62YO Claims Ex-GF Refused to Give Him Back His $50K But The Woman Claimed They Were Never Together

You’re never too young for love… and for the drama that comes along with it.

This 62-year-old man is desperately trying to get his $50,000 back, but the ex-girlfriend said they were never even together.

Handed Ex-GF $50,000 For Safekeeping

Mr Xie Shun An told Shin Min Daily News that he met Ms Hong at his shipyard job in 1996.

They were colleagues that lost contact when he changed jobs, but ran into each other coincidentally in 2014. Mr Xie decided to start wooing Ms Hong then.

He allegedly moved into her apartment, renting a room from her for $600 a month. He trusted her so much that he handed $50,000 to her for safekeeping as he wasn’t sure how to manage his own money.

Apparently, the couple signed an agreement that said Ms Hong will return the money back to Mr Xie when he asked for it back. It was even signed in the presence of a mutual friend, so you know it’s serious.

To substantiate this claim, a mutual ex-colleague told Shin Min that they witnessed Mr Xie giving Ms Hong cash, and that there was an agreement signed. However, there’s no confirmation of how much money was given.

But things never go down well when money gets involved, and after three months, the couple broke up. Mr Xie then asked Ms Hong to give him the money, but she refused.

Since then, he’s been trying to get his money back for eight years.

Photocopy of Alleged Agreement

The agreement, which was believed to be signed on 26 June 2014, can be seen here:

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Mr Xie said that he tried to get his money back using all available means, which includes:

  • visiting Ms Hong at her home
  • calling and texting Ms Hong
  • calling the police
  • seeking legal assistance
  • asking for advice from debt collection companies.

Apparently, he isn’t able to get the money back because he lost the original agreement. Mr Xie is also unwilling to pay the high fees that he would incur if he engages a debt collection company.

To add salt to the wound, Mr Xie recently lost his job and has no savings. Thus, he hopes to get his money back quickly.

Previously Dated Ex-GF’s Younger Sister

If you thought this wasn’t going to get even more dramatic: you’re wrong.

Apparently, Mr Xie had dated Ms Hong’s younger sister back in 2000. The sister had allegedly gifted him a Rolex watch to thank him for his kindness when she was suffering from depression.

The younger sister died 20 years ago, when a sports car she was driving caught on fire.

Mr Xie then added more claims to this already bizarre story, saying that Ms Hong asked him to give her a Rolex watch when he asked for his money back.

Here’s what Ms Hong has to say about this whole drama.

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Refuted All Claims, Says He’s Doing This Because She Rejected Him

Speaking to Shin Min, Ms Hong refuted all of Mr Xie’s claims.

According to her side of the story, she has never dated him, and has never even rented a room to Mr Xie. She added that she also didn’t help him keep his money, or signed any agreement with him.

So… is the mutual colleague lying about the agreement, or is she lying?

Ms Hong said that their relationship was strictly that of a superior and subordinate, and that the “simple-minded” Mr Xie assumed their relationship was beyond what it was.

She also stated that she’s never liked him, and that he is trying to “destroy” her because she rejected his advances.

Expressing her disappointment, she said that she might apply for a personal protection order to escape his harassment.

And since she was already spilling the tea anyways, she revealed that Mr Xie had actually been told off multiple times during work, because he was caught drinking on the job.

In response to the Rolex story, she said that therelationship between Mr Xie and her sister is unrelated to her, and that this dispute has nothing to do with the watch.

Well, after hearing both sides of the story, it seems like we can’t tell who is being truthful. But one thing’s for sure: just put your money in a bank instead of giving it to a person.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News