65YO Who Was in Coma after Colliding with PMD Has Passed Away

Most of us would’ve known about this incident, whereby a 65YO cyclist collided with a PMD rider on last Saturday night at around 10pm in Bedok North.

After the incident, the 65-year-old woman, Mdm Ong Bee Eng, suffered a brain injury along with fractures in her ribs and collar bone, and was in a coma since then.

Apparently, she was about to cross the zebra crossing when the e-scooter rider, who was allegedly travelling at a very high speed, hit her.

It’s rumoured that the e-scooter has been heavily modified and exceeded the weight limit.

The 20-year-old e-scooter was also taken to the hospital but was conscious throughout. He has been arrested for causing grievous hurt by rash act.

But it seems like it’s more than “grievous hurt”, because yesterday night, Mdm Ong passed away.

Elderly Passed Away

Yesterday (25 September 2019) night, Mdm Ong passed away in the hospital.

Prior to that, she was already in critical condition and was on life support.

On Monday, which was two days after the accident, her family was reportedly told to be prepared for the worst, and had to make a decision on whether to take off her life support. However, they did not do so as they wanted to “send her off naturally.”

PMD Accidents

Since 1 September 2019, PMDs have been banned in the void decks and common corridors of all PAP town councils.

In addition, prior to that, new regulations have been imposed on PMD use, including a speed limit of 10 kmh on footpath, and there has been increased enforcement actions by LTA to curb reckless PMD users.

According to the Minister of Transport, between 2017 to 2018, there has been a total of 228 reported PMD accidents. Now, note that these are reported ones; there might be more that went unreported.

In the same period, there was one death, whereby a PMD rider self-skidded and subsequently succumbed to his injuries.

There were also 32 other reported cases that involved major injuries such as concussions or fractures.

The numbers for 2019 aren’t out yet, but hopefully, with all the new regulations and this story, there would be fewer of such incidents.

Because one death is one too many.