7 ridiculously simple ways to make your round face slimmer and more selfie-able

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 4:18 pm

Girls have lots of wishes that they wish upon, and one of them is having a slim face. We are all so jealous of Kim Ji Won’s small and slim face and we cannot imagine how big our square Asian face is going to look beside her.

If you feel the same way, fret not! While we can’t guarantee fast results, we’re sure that if we grit our teeth and keep at it, we’ll be able to get what we want one day. Here are 7 ridiculously simple ways to make your round, chubby face look slimmer so you can achieve that V-shape face.

Nutrition and diet
A healthy diet not only makes you feel good and refreshed, it also provides your body with the right nutrients required to function properly. Without taking in certain foods you think are fattening, your muscles and cells are not able to repair themselves. And when that happens, your muscles will cling onto your fats even more, making it harder to lose those baby fats.

Here’s what we think–there’s a difference between good fats and bad ones. A general rule of thumb we usually follow is: processed fats are bad, natural fats are better. Don’t take our word for it though, do your own research, okay?

Massage your face
Give your face a small massage everyday, preferably when you apply your moisturizers and creams. You can check on several types of facial massages for obtaining slim faces, these massages not only help your muscles relax, it also aids in blood circulation.

Keep yourself hydrated
You need enough water to stay hydrated daily and water helps to flush out excess sodium that create puffy cheeks.

Facial exercises
Since there are over 50 muscles in the face, you can try doing facial exercises to make them move a lot. Say the letters ‘X’ and ‘O’ repeatedly and continue as you deem fit.

Facial Yoga
Yoga poses that forces your head downwards aid in providing your facial muscles a good workout.

Using makeup
Using the right makeup will be able to enhance your features and create less focus on your face shape. Make use of contours and highlighters to cover up or highlight areas of your face so you look better. Using the right colors for your brows and lips can also help you achieve a slimmer face look.

Natural changes in your face
You will loose the chubby face, as you grow older so fret not if these still aren’t working for you. Finding the right angles and right lighting will help you in your selfies for a slimmer and smaller face!

Top Image: He Shixin / Shutterstock.com