8 Best Hidden Jurong Point Food Only Nearby Residents Might Know

Last Updated on 2020-02-21 , 3:10 pm

Okay, back to my favourite topic of the day: eating.  I know, you can’t tell with my size, right? But yes, I’m a huge fan of eating, greasy or whatnot. And since I live in the west, I often get myself some Jurong Point food.

Now the food at Jurong Point may not be the best in the whole wide world, but hey, at least there’s still things to eat at Jurong Point. And since it’s the nearest mall to me, I would say that it’s not too bad.

Image: thecentriscondo.com

As someone who has seen Jurong Point “grow” from one small neighbourhood mall into a pretty big mall with two buildings and a condo right above, I should say I’m pretty much an expert at the mall.

At least I know enough to know that if you’re having a really bad diarrhoea, your best bet will be to use the toilet beside all the clinics on the second floor above Japanese street. Very few people know it even exists, so the chances of having a permanent resident inside the cubicle? Very rare.

But I’m not here to tell you about which toilets have the lowest occupancy rate. Instead, what I want to do is to introduce you, young padawans to the culinary heaven that is Jurong Point.

So What To Eat At Jurong Point?

Here are 8 best-hidden Jurong Point food only nearby residents might know.

1. Xin Long Fish Soup @ Jurong Point Kopitiam, Level 3

Image: thedeadcockroach.blogspot.com

If you’re not a fan of fish soup, this humble stall in the foodcourt on level 3 might just change your mind. Combined with flavourful broth, the generous helping of fried egg white and fish makes this a winner, at least in my own opinion. And if you want a meal that’s not too healthy, go for fish soup ee mian instead of the bee hoon. It’s amazing.

2. 檳城福建蝦面, Malaysia Boleh

Image: misstamchiak.com

Are you a fan of KL style Hokkien Mee? Unlike Singapore’s, the KL version is drier and sweeter, and the smell of pork lard is amazing. I’ve tried this once when Malaysia Boleh first opened in Jurong Point and I’ve been going back ever since.

The fresh prawns and the fragrance of wok hei and pork lard will get your appetite raring to go, even if you’ve just eaten. Just go for the bigger portion because the small one just isn’t enough to satisfy you. #personalexperience

And for those who are adventurous, you can try their bee tai bak.

3. 巴生肉骨茶, Malaysia Boleh

Image: rubbisheatrubbishgrow.com

Another winner in Malaysia Boleh, the reason why I’ve listed this stall isn’t because the bak kut teh is good. Or I should say, it isn’t just because of that. The highlight of ordering from this stall isn’t the rice, but the sauce.

For those who are not huge fans of the usual bak kut teh you get outside because it’s too peppery, then this is perfect for you. The bak kut teh here is herbal, and the ribs come off the bones easily.

Add in their special sauce of garlic, chopped chilli padi and black sauce and you’ll have a feast fit for a king. Don’t go for their you tiao though because it’s really cold.

4. West Lake

Image: streetdirectory.com

If you happen to be walking around the mall and feel a bit peckish, check out this small, humble stall located in the new wing of Jurong Point. By new, I mean newer than the other parts of the mall.

Their Hot and Spicy soup is amazing, according to my colleague in the office (who’s a huge foodie) and it goes for only $2!

5.  Take 5 Hum Jim Peng

Image: halaltrip.com

Some Woodlanders might say that Dough Culture at Causeway Point serves the best fried dough, but I’ll say that Jurong Point’s Take 5 gives them a run for their money, if not outright beat them.

The Hum Jim Peng sold here is not too doughy, crispy and fluffy on the inside. A sinful salted hum jim peng never fails to cheer me up after a bad day. Or any type of day, actually.

6. NTWU Canteen, Jurong Point Bus Interchange

Back when I was still a young boy (think 15 or 16), the NTWU canteen was located outside the mall at the open air bus interchange. It was messy, hot but damn if they don’t serve killer curry chicken.

I’ve been back to try them again and I’m happy to say the curry chicken sold in the canteen, while not the same as before, is still pretty amazing. And best of all, it’s pretty affordable too! #Don’tSayBojio hor!

7. Hotplate Stall at Cantine, Jurong Point Basement

Image: jewelofsg.com

I’ve heard many raved about the chicken rice and yong tau foo sold here, but I’ve not actually heard much about the hotplate here, which is a pity, to be honest.

If you’re preparing to visit this stall, don’t miss out on their sambal fried rice. It’s amazing fragrant and when you add tons of fried onion shallots to it, you’ll feel like you just ate a piece of heaven.

Just take note that it’s pretty spicy, and the portion is fairly small. But the taste more than make up for it, trust me.

8. Central Hong Kong Café

Image: blog.skii.com

Many people know about Legendary Hong Kong which sells authentic Hong Kong cuisine in Mong Kok but what many don’t know is there’s another Hong Kong cafe right here in the deep west.

Check out their Rickshaw Noodles when you’re here; their braised chicken wing, curry fish ball, crab stick, hot dogs and noodles in a bowl will satisfy your every craving. And it’s just sold for $4.90! Bonus!

And if you’re planning to splurge a bit, their fried pig intestines together with the chilli provided are to-die-for. And I don’t use these words easily.

So next time when your bae asks: “Jurong Point what to eat ah?” You’ll know just where to bring her!

And if she says “I want eat at Jurong Point restaurant. Decide where.” You can tell her that Jurong Point good food lies within the small stalls instead of the restaurants.