8 Facts about Jackie Chan’s Son, Jaycee, That Makes You Go Whoooo!

Last Updated on 2017-05-27 , 5:12 pm

If you love martial arts movies, you will definitely be familiar be Jackie Chan, a martial artist, actor, director, producer, stuntman and singer. If you follow his news closely, you will know that he has a son, Jaycee Chan, who is also in the entertainment industry.

Image source: alchreton.com

While much is known about Jackie Chan, less is known about Jaycee Chan so here are some facts about him that may surprise you.

1. Role in Railroad Tigers

Although Jaycee Chan is not present at promotional activities and online write-ups, he actually played a major role in the movie. If you have not watched the movie yet, be sure to catch the movie where you will see amusing moments of him exchanging insults with Jackie Chan.

2. He was Jailed for Drug Offences

In August 2014, he was caught and sentenced to prison for drug offences in China. While fellow celebrity Kai Ko was released after 14 days, he was given a harsher sentence as he was “providing a shelter for others to abuse drugs”. After his 6 months sentence, he has been living in Taipei with his mother and keeps a low profile. He is also still in contact with Kai Ko.

3. Repent

While he was serving his sentence, he wrote a three-page remorse letter to his mother, promising that he will reflect and never make the same mistake again.

4. Voice actor of Young Monkey in Kungfu Panda (2008)

Image: kungfupanda.wikia.com

Jaycee Chan took part in the voice over of the young monkey in Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five. 

5. Schooling

In order to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, he dropped out of the College of William and Mary in 2003.

6. International appeal

His studios invited the Korean star Jang Nara and Singaporean actress, Fann Wong to promote his film “Whoever” in order to appeal to non-Chinese audience.

7. Uncredited

Jaycee Chan’s role in the movie “Monk comes down the Mountain” was uncredited due to his arrest in 2014.

8. Asset

His father Jackie Chan revealed that after his death, half of his asset will be donated to charity instead of leaving it to his son. Jackie explained, “If he is capable, he can make his own money. If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money.”

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Featured image: aitonline.tv

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com