8 funny eating habits of S’poreans that makes you wonder how they survived till today

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 10:42 am

What’s your eating habit like? Many Singaporeans including us possess typical Singaporean style eating habits such as chope-ing tables with tissues, staff passes and umbrellas. These have become a norm but there are people out there who have such unique and funny eating habits that make us wonder how they survived till today. Here are 8 of them for you!

Putting more food on the table than in the mouth
You’d expect somebody to eat at least three quarter of the food and only leave one quarter behind if their intention is to seriously fill their stomachs up. But no, sometimes there’s three quarter of the food left behind, and it’s all messed up on the tables.

Spring-cleaning of their bags
Maybe they were too early for a meeting or their movie date so they started packing their bags, doing a spring-cleaning after the meal. Half an hour later, you’ll see all the trash from their bags ON the table. Credit card receipts, torn notebook pages, unwanted lipsticks and used tissues from the last century.

Weird food requests
You might have seen people doing this before. They order an Espresso and they want it in a big cup with water on the side. Why not just get a long black?

Absorbing oil from fries before eating them
Some people are so healthy they might even go to the extent of using tissue paper to absorb oil from fries before eating them. This should be banned.

Eating dinners during breakfast, breakfast during dinner
With all the hype of brunch and café food, diners now eat eggs benedict and muffins for dinner. And they have steaks and burgers for breakfast.

Eating pizza without the ingredients
There’s people who order Hawaiian pizzas but refusing to eat the ham and pineapples. There’s also people who order pan pizzas but pick out the pizza crust.

Orders prawn noodle, doesn’t eat prawns
Isn’t it just like ordering chicken rice without chicken?

Playing games with food
This will only happen among younger children, they enjoy playing with the leftover food. Or secondary school kids.

Top Image: Crystal Home / Shutterstock.com