8 Not-So-Common-Sense Tips To Eat Buffet Like a Pro And Make Your Money Worth It

Last Updated on 2023-02-16 , 5:48 pm

The love of eating is a distinct trait for most Singaporeans and Malaysians.

Our love for food can go as far as queuing for long hours outside the shop.

Undeniably, food has influenced our culture. With the inception of a cheap yet delicious buffet, one could easily enjoy a fabulous and hearty meal.

But not everyone knows the right way to eat a buffet and make it worth it. 

Let’s look upon ways to tackle a buffet and walk off as a glorious champion (and a happy tummy).

Disclaimer: Some of the tips are common sense but as we’ve mentioned previously, common sense isn’t really that common, actually.

1. Walk and look around

Yes, you walk into a buffet and you’re ravenous. But wait, before you start filling up your plate, do this.

Take a walk around the food section of the buffet. At least have a mental impression for the placement arrangement of the varieties of food.

You would not want to start eating halfway and realize that there is another area yet to explore right?

Remember, fail to plan and you plan to fail.

 2. Prioritise expensive food.

To make every dollars and cent worth, go for the premium food!

Why would you want to eat taogey (beansprout) at the buffet when you can eat it on any day of the week?

The idea is to get your money’s worth by looking at dishes with expensive food in them.

Would you go for Norwegian Salmon or Plain Rice? I think the choice is obvious.

 3. Control your fizzy drink

Yes, it feels good to drink a glass of coke with your food. But not during buffets.

It’s always good to stay hydrated. But as much as it aids in the process of downing the food into your throat, do remember to go easy on them.

Fizzy drinks will make you feel bloaty.

 4. Eat slowly in small portions.

Do not eat like a caveman. Try a bit of everything rather than consuming just one choice.

Variety helps to break down the dullness of tastes and allow you to consume more.

You are always free to go back to the food section as many times as you want, so there is no point filling your plates with the same variety.

 5. Go for a stroll

When the fullness is kicking in, go for a steady walk around the buffet area or so. Breathing some fresh air will make you feel better. Before you know it, you are back to your seat and putting food into your mouth again.

 6. End with the dessert section

The meal is not complete until you have ended off with dessert. Go for some sweet delights before you conclude the meal.

7. Hot tea

Once you have completed your meal, you can probably do with some remedy yourself. Tea aids in digestion and helps in reducing abdominal bloating.

That’s right, tea can help you avoid the groaning regret right after a buffet dinner.

8. Do not wear tight clothing.

Fitting clothing makes you look smart but I do not recommend them during a buffet. You would not want to feel the discomfort when your stomach is filling right?

Besides, your tummy might even be more prominent after the loading, and yes, it’s true that your tummy would swell when you’ve eaten too much.

Dress up in some baggy attire and loose pants to accommodate those extra inches temporarily (hopefully) around your waist after the buffet!

If you’re now hungry, don’t say bojio: there’s a 1-for-1 international buffet near Bugis MRT Station, which means you’d just need to pay less than $50 for a dinner buffet on a weekend! Click here for more info.

Featured Image: ANAID studio / Shutterstock.com