9 Health Problems Associated With Office Workers & What You Can Do About It

Last Updated on 2022-03-18 , 12:49 pm

Work is something that is unavoidable for many of us.

And in order to make a living, many of us are constantly stuck in the offices for long hours daily rushing reports or fulfilling work targets.

Which, while making our wallets (sometimes) and our bodies fatter, isn’t exactly healthy.

Here are some common problems that office workers suffer from and how you can avoid, or at the very least, relieve some of the pain from them.


This is a common one.

Headaches suffered by office workers are usually triggered by stress faced when working, or in some cases, due to poor posture when sitting in front of their desks.

Here’s what you can do.

Take regular breaks while doing work and work out regularly too to keep the stress down.

Attending yoga classes or going for massages are methods that are said to be effective for stress relief.

It is also important that you maintain a proper posture when doing work so as to avoid any bodily strains that may cause you to have headaches.

Back Pain

Ever suffered from pains around the back? This is probably because of the sedentary nature of work that you are doing.

Sitting for long hours at your desks means that you may slouch without you noticing.

This leads to you putting unnecessary pressure on your body which causes pains in the back and around the hips.

To prevent yourself from suffering back or hip aches, it is advisable for you to move around whenever possible, this means taking short breaks or do simple stretches near your work desk.

Here’s a simple rule of thumb: Work for 45 minutes and take a short jaunt around the office to keep up your social network.

Eye Strain

One common complaint from office workers is that their eyes are dry and there is a painful sensation that may cause headaches.

This is caused by staring at computer screens for long hours while doing work.

In order to not suffer from eye strain, you should ensure proper lighting at your work desk and set the brightness for your computer screen to suit the brightness levels for your work desk.

By doing so, you are letting your eyes get a break from the constant near work that it is doing and allowing it time to rest.

It doesn’t hurt to invest in some blue light protection on your glasses although it’ll result in everything getting a golden tint.


Sometimes, you get lost in your work. Or there’s too much to go through you forget or ignore the need to hydrate yourself or take meal breaks.

Which is really bad because our bodies require sufficient amounts of food and water to function properly.

So what could happen?

Well, ignoring this bodily need will lead to problems such as headaches, difficulty in focusing and fatigue.

So drink water regularly, keep a huge tumbler at your desk if you can’t be bothered to get up and walk to the water cooler at the other end of the office.

And when it’s time to eat? Eat.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Tunnel what?

Simply put, it’s pain near their hands and wrist and it’s caused by doing repetitive motions for long hours.

In serious cases, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can cause you to feel numbing and itching sensations around your wrist and the reason for this is because of a nerve near your forearm that is compressed by swollen ligaments and bones in the wrist.

In order to avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you should do stretches to relieve any tension built up in the wrist area.


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Leg Pain

This is a problem most commonly affecting office ladies who may wear heels or other shoes in order to look good.

Wearing uncomfortable footwear will cause you to suffer from pains in your legs which force you to sit down in order to relieve the pain around your legs.

This, in turn, will lead to problems that are associated with sitting for long hours such as back pain and neck aches.

Ladies, it is recommended that you ditch those heels which may look good when you wear them and wear something much more comfortable and practical instead to avoid hurting yourself.

Either that or keep a pair of slippers in the office so you can romp around comfortably while working.

Work’s already tough, why make it harder?

Weight Gain

A common sight for office workers is that they often choose fast food as a quick way to get their meals.

Because it’s fast and easy, right?

But eating fast food frequently will lead to health problems such as obesity and high blood pressure.

In order to avoid gaining too many inches around your waist, you should take proper meal breaks by eating wholesome meals and get your well-deserved rest.

That or bring food from home, it’ll help save some money too, especially if you work in the CBD.


Remember forgetting to drink water or eat properly? It’s not just gaining weight or suffering from dehydration and headaches.

The lack of substances such as fibre and water from your diet can lead you to have constipation.

Again, plan your time properly so that no matter your workload, you still have time to eat and drink.

Gastric pains

This scenario may be familiar to you; you skip meals due to having to rush deadlines and as a result, you suffer from gastric pains due to irregular meal times.

To avoid this uncomfortable situation, you should remind yourself that taking your meals are equally important as meeting deadlines and that time should be set aside just to take meals too.

Featured Image: May_Chanikran / Shutterstock.com