9 More Illegal Workers Were Arrested At Geylang Serai Bazaar. Here’s What You Need To Know.

Last week, 22 food handlers were caught during a surprise raid at Geylang Serai Bazaar. The raid caught many customers by surprise as they all thought that it was due to halal issues with a particular jerky stall.

However, just yesterday, 9 more illegal workers from Indonesia were arrested in another surprise raid.

Unlike the bazaar last year, this year’s bazaar has been on the headlines for all the wrong reasons: there’s an issue on some stalls’ Halal certification, arrest of illegal workers, rumours of cat and dog meat and even an injury.

According to an article on Channel NewsAsia, the latest raid was a joint enforcement operation among the National Environment Agency, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Singapore Police Force.

These illegal workers were working at various stalls at the Geylang Serai Bazaar. Also, such raids are not uncommon as they always strive to educate and remind the bazaar operators and stall owners to comply with the regulatory requirements of various agencies.

These foreigners who are caught can be fined up to S$20,000 and given up to two years’ jail. They could also be barred from entering and working in Singapore.

On the other hand, employers who illegally employ foreigners also face a fine of up to S$30,000 and a jail term of up to one year, and may be barred from hiring foreign workers.

With incidents like these, it’s always good to remember that no matter what, the law will always have an edge in Singapore. 

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

Featured Image: ArtOlympic / Shutterstock.com

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