Everything About the 22 Unlicensed Food Handlers Arrested in Geylang Serai Bazaar In 30 Sec

Just yesterday, 22 food handlers were arrested at the Geylang Serai Bazaar in a surprise raid. This was a joint effort by the Ministry of Manpower, National Environment Agency and Singapore Police Force. 

“During the inspection, we found 22 unregistered food handlers who were also working illegally. They were arrested and investigations are ongoing,”

This, of course, caught the passers-by off guard. After that, pictures of the workers being arrested started circulating online, which got many people confused as they thought that the raid happened due to halal issues with the jerky stall.

The raid happened along the bazaar opposite Tristar Inn and the suspects who were detained were also found to be working illegally in Singapore.


This eventually sparked a comment thread on a Facebook page, Halal Cafe and Restaurants’ Facebook, where users started to speculate about the sudden raid. Thankfully, Member of Parliament Zainal Saparai took to Facebook to clarify about the matter, stating that crackdown had been on unlicensed food handlers.

In an interview with Today Online, he commented

“(The raid) was a joint operations between NEA, Police and MOM. During the inspection, they found unlicensed food handlers (who) were also working illegally, which is an arrestable offence.”

The case is still ongoing investigations and it is also unclear which stalls the suspects were working at.

This, however, has no correlation with the news about whether the food sold in the premises are Halal or not.

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This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com

Featured Image: Twitter (@nad3hadi)

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