woodlands - search results

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AETOS Security Officers Jailed for Taking Video & Images With Loaded Gun at Woodlands...

I am sure we have all seen our fair share of police officers or ICA officers doing random trends on TikTok or Instagram in...

NUS Student Deflated Tyres of 5 Cars in Woodlands in Protest of Climate Change

An NUS student purported to be a climate change activist sure had his goals and ego deflated when he was caught for allegedly deflating...

Man Killed in Woodlands Accident is a 29-Year-Old M’sian Who Was Hitching a Ride...

A tragic accident in Woodlands involving a BMW and a Myvi took the life of a 29-year-old Malaysian this weekend. Here's what happened. Fatal Accident Involving...

You Can Pay $39 to Collect M’sia VEP Tags from Woodlands Counter From 18...

Malaysia has made it clear: there will be no U-turn on the implementation and enforce of the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) in Malaysia. This means...

Countless People Still Headed to VEP Info Counter at Woodlands Even When It Doesn’t...

From 1 October onwards, you'll need a Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) to drive your Singapore-registered vehicle into Malaysia. If not, you risk being fined...

Motorcyclist Injured in Accident at Woodlands Viaduct, Netizens Argue Over Who’s at Fault

Given the high volume of traffic at the Woodlands Checkpoint and viaduct, it's important to be extra careful there to avoid an accident. This is...

Person Given Warning for Filming at Woodlands Checkpoint But Still Proceeded to Post Images...

Thinking of driving up to JB soon? Well, here's a tip — don't take photos or videos within the checkpoints' premises. A man took several...

Information Counter About Malaysia’s VEP to be Opened in Woodlands

It's a well-known truth that life is full of uncertainties — uncertainty about whether the price of your favourite chicken rice is going to...

SBS Transit Launches New Bus Service 168A That Goes from Woodlands to Tampines in...

In two weeks, there will be another bus that can get you from Malaysia to Tampines in just a few stops. Okay, not actually Malaysia....

Size of About 60 Football Fields to be Reclaimed at Causeway to Expand Woodlands...

If you're driving up to JB soon, you just might catch a glimpse of the land being reclaimed at the causeway to expand Woodlands...