A Layman’s Guide to NS Liability after ORD for the Confused Girlfriend or Wife


Last Updated on 2024-03-23 , 1:38 pm

Okay, so your man has ORD-ed from the SAF and is now completely free of his NS liability. Or is he?

Why is it that sometimes, he leaves the house for a week or two and comes back fatter and darker, while at other times, he comes back within half a day?


Why did he put a set of uniform and his fully packed field pack beside the door, and sometimes, it’s gathering dust under the bed?

Confused yet?

Read on to find out about some of the NS responsibilities that your man still has after ORD.

IPPT (Individual Physical Proficiency Test)

Okay, at some point of the year, your man starts to go out for a jog, or two. He starts to get zealous in his physical training, and it all dies down suddenly one day. What happened?

The IPPT is a mandatory test that all NSmen are required to take and pass once a year. If they fail the IPPT, they will have to go through a 20 session RT which we will go through in the next part. Failure to comply with the regulation will result in them being charged under military law.

Depending on the result of their IPPT, they might be eligible for monetary rewards. Eyeing that new handbag or dress? Encourage them to achieve better in their IPPT and coerce them into buying it for you.

RT (Remedial Training)

Available at the various FCCs around Singapore, NSmen are required to go through 20 RT sessions if they are not able to pass their IPPT. Depending on how they perform, they might be able to siam some sessions if they can pass their IPPT in the middle of their RT sessions.

Or you can call RT the slimming centre that apparently pays your man to lose weight. Only in Singapore do we have this kind of privilege.


IPT (Individual Physical Training)

Similar to the RT, IPT is taken if the NSman cannot pass his IPPT. The difference is that you are only able to take 8 sessions of IPT before you have to take your IPPT and it is usually taken on the NSman’s own volition.

ICT (In-camp training)

Also known as reservist training, your man has to don his no.4 uniform and go back to camp. Depending on his unit and whether his ICT cycle is high-key or low-key, his ICT will range from a week to 2 weeks or more. All NSmen has to complete 10 cycles of ICT: 3 low-key cycles and 7 high-key cycles.

Most of the times, they’ll have to stay in the camp and book out during the weekends. Chances are, they’ll have nights out (which means they can book out in the evening and go back at night), but they most likely would spend it with their army friends.


This is a period whereby his unit is on standby, and may be activated without notice by the upper echelons. Once a year, they will dig out and dust off their field packs, approach friends to borrow helmets and pay a visit to the nearest e-mart to purchase army items; their field packs and uniform will occupy a space in the living room.


Sometimes, your man will rush home and change into their no. 4 and leave with their field pack without even a by-your-leave. This means that they are mobilised and activated, and they have to report to camp within a certain number of hours. It’s usually on a Saturday morning, but don’t bet on that.


For more information, you might want to watch this video to the end: