A Wild Jay Chou Suddenly Appeared in S’pore Again, Even Holding the Lift For Someone

Imagine you’re in National Gallery and are on your way to the lift. The lift door closes, and since it’s a lazy Saturday, you won’t mind waiting for the next lift.

But hey, a hero holds the lift door for you.

You thank him and realize he’s indeed a superhero who doesn’t know how fly.

Image: DFree / Shutterstock.com

Fantasy as it sounds, this happened to someone yesterday (13 October 2018) when Jay Chou was in Singapore again.

A Wild Jay Chou Appeared in National Gallery

Spotting Jay Chou in Singapore is like spotting Mewtwo in Pokemon GO: his every appearance, despite him trying his best to keep it low-profile, is newsworthy.

After all, who can forget his sudden lunch in Founder Bak Kut Teh about two months…

Image: Facebook (Founder Bak Kut Teh Cafeteria 发起人肉骨茶餐馆)

…and his visit to Sentosa with his wife and some dogs?

Image: Instagram (@jaychou and @hannah_quinlivan)

Apparently, yesterday, Ah Chou was back in Singapore (well, he could still be in Singapore now, too: read on) as he posted these two Instagram Stories on his Instagram:

Image: Instagram (@jaychou)
Image: Instagram (@jaychou)

According to The Straits Times, a National Gallery spokesman has confirmed his presence in the premises between 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. yesterday. The same report also spoke about the “fantasy” encounter mentioned in the start of the article.

The second image is allegedly an image of Jay Chou and his friend, Jahan Loh, who is a local artist.

Well, since he’s in Singapore, where could you find him other than Balestier and Sentosa?

Liang Sandwich Bar?

Well, lest you’ve been living under a rock, you would have hard of Liang Sandwich Bar.

If not, I’ll do the honour of providing you with some details and a review.

The scallion pancake sandwich chain has over 12,000 outlets worldwide, and earlier this year, its first outlet opened in VivoCity. Endorsed by Jay Chou himself, who claims to love the pancake, the menu’s categories are named after some of Jay Chou’s songs or lyrics.

I won’t blame you if the term “scallion pancake” sounds alien to you: I just knew about this a year ago, too. Basically, just think of it as roti prata, because seriously it tastes almost like a kosong prata.

Liang Sandwich Bar sells scallion pancake sandwich, so it’s essentially kosong prata sandwich with eggs, chicken and whatnot, finished with sauces like a Subway sandwich.

I’ve tried it before and all I can say is that I’ll try it a few thousand times again if I’m as rich as Jay Chou. The “prata” is both fluffy and crispy, and with the sauce that sinks into the prata without being too overpowering, every bite is refreshing and savoury (could be my sauce, but anyways).

It’s like a new way to makan prata, though I’m a tad concern about the calories it carries.

So, what’s with a sudden mention of Liang Sandwich Bar?

New Outlet Just Opened in Raffles City

On 8 September 2018, a new outlet opened in Raffles City, and as usual, Jay Chou’s face is plastered everywhere.

If you were Jay Chou, where would you go other than eating some good BKT and drinking sea water from Sentosa?

Of course the makan place you’ve endorsed – since there’s a new outlet.

So if you’re free the next few days, you might want to head down to the basement of Raffles City.

Even if you don’t see him, you won’t regret the scallion pancake sandwich.