Aaron Kwok Moving His Concert to Facebook & YouTube; Free for All to Watch

Always wanted to go to an Aaron Kwok’s concert and admire his body and youthful looks, but don’t have the money?

Or maybe, you do have the money but you just can’t seem to buy the tickets before it sells out.

Well, if you’ve always been losing out, I’ve got some great news for you.

Aaron Kwok is the latest in line of singers who’ve decided to move their performances online.

And the best part? It’s open to everybody with an internet connection.

Image: Imgflip

Aaron Kwok Moving His Concert to Facebook & YouTube; Free for All to Watch

On 2 May, Aaron Kwok announced that he will be holding a free online concert on 9 May 2020 which will begin at 5pm.

His performance will be streamed live on both Facebook and YouTube.

Performing at Harbour City mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, he will be raising funds for backup dancers hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Their income has dried up as gigs disappeared in the aftermath of the outbreak in Hong Kong.

Other than that Aaron Kwok also hoped that his concert will help to boost the morales of other Hong Kongers who are affected by Covid-19.

The Latest In Line Of Singers Putting Their Performances Online

Aaron Kwok isn’t the only one who thought of shifting his performance online and opening it up to everybody.

Plenty of singers from all over the world are doing the same thing, including:

  • JJ Lin with his birthday performance (watch here)
  • Singapore singers Benjamin Kheng, Nathan Hartono and more for Earth Hour (watch here)
  • Joanna Dong, Singapore’s jazz vocalist regular live sessions on Facebook (follow her here)
    P/S: her Telegram is where she will reveal details about her upcoming sessions
  • Radiohead with their recordings from the past (watch here)
  • Esplanade: The Show Goes On…Line (Online performances by local singers) (watch here)

So there you go, plenty of concert and performances to fill your day while you chill your time away at home.

You’re welcome~