Ah Boys to Men 4 Looking for Actors Now: Your Chance to Be The Next Tosh Rock!

Most, if not all, Singaporeans knows about Ah Boys to Men series, right?

If you haven’t, you must’ve been staying under a rock for the past few years.

Because they’re the biggest local blockbuster productions to ever hit our screens. And they give us guys a chance to brag about how tough army life is to the ladies.

How would you like a chance to be a part of Ah Boys to Men 4? Trust me, you wouldn’t want to miss this or you’ll regret for life.

Ah Boys to Men Looking For Actors / Actresses to Join the Cast

Make yourself free on the 27 and 28 of May (Saturday & Sunday) from 11 am – 8 pm. Make your way down to Ah Boys to Men 4 walk-in audition at 2mm Talent Hub.

The team is looking for both guys and girls. 

Like what Jack Neo said, it doesn’t matter whether you think you’re suitable for the roles or not.

Leave it up to the judges to decide instead. 

As long as you love the series and acting, just give it a shot lah!

I’m sure you want to leave a good impression on Jack Neo when you go for the audition. Even if you don’t get selected this time, he might remember you for his next movie. 

Check out the roles and script for the open audition you got to memorise

If you are a Chinese male age between 25 to 35 and would like to try out for an officer role.

If you are a Chinese female age between 23 to 30 and would like to try out for an officer role.

If you are a Chinese male age between 25 to 35 and would like to try out for a soldier role.

If you are a Malay or Indian male age between 25 to 35 and would like to try out for a soldier role.

If you are a handsome Chinese male age between 18 to 25 and would like to try out for a soldier role.

Who knows, this might just clear one reservist cycle. ;D

Just remember us when you get famous can liao. 

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**All images from Ah Boys to Men Facebook Page

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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