Is Alcohol Heaty or Cooling? Facts on Which Alcohol is Cold for Body


Last Updated on 2023-06-16 , 12:26 pm

You must’ve wondered at some point in time, “Which alcohol is cooling for the body?” or “Is beer heaty?”

Has your mother ever told you that when your phlegm is green, your body is too heaty and when its white, your body is too cooling? And when she thinks your body is too heaty, she’ll boil some liang teh for you to cool your body down?

Which Alcohol is Cold for Body: Understanding Yin and Yang in Beverages

The intricate ancient Chinese philosophy splits food and beverages into two expansive categories: heaty and cooling ones. There’s a well-established belief that what we ingest can influence the temperature of our bodies, essentially attributing a Yin or Yang energy to them.

Honing in on this idea, one may find themselves pondering, “Which alcohol is good for a heaty body?” or “Is beer hot or cold for the body?” To maintain our bodily health and equilibrium, it’s critical to strike an appropriate balance between Yin and Yang.

The consequences of tipping this delicate scale too far to the ‘heaty’ side may manifest in a variety of symptoms. Bad breath, mouth ulcers, a nosebleed or a pesky sore throat could all be indications of an excessive internal heat in your body.

Beer is Cold or Hot for Body: The Great Beverage Debate

So, you might be questioning, “Is beer heat for body?” or even, “Beer is heat or cold?” Let’s dive into the facts. Beers and rice wines generally fall into the cooling category. When the sun is shining and the heat is up, an icy mug of beer can be incredibly refreshing.

However, the cooling properties of beer extend beyond the chill factor of the drink itself. Beer is understood to have the capacity to cool the body down and expel internal heat. This is precisely why in some cultures, beer and rice wines are consumed in conjunction with heaty foods, such as barbequed meats.

Conversely, when one wonders “Which alcohol is good for a heaty body?”, brandy often surfaces as an option. This spirit is renowned for being exceptionally heaty. It’s been suggested that when combined with durian, a notoriously heaty food, the effects can be potentially detrimental to one’s health. In colder climes, brandy is often consumed as a warming agent against harsh weather conditions.

Which Alcohol Reduces Body Heat: A Toast to Temperatures

Other alcoholic beverages such as gin, vodka, scotch, and tequila are perceived as heaty, according to this Chinese philosophy. These can pose toxicity risks to the body when overconsumed. This theory seems to provide an explanation for those annoying sore throats or ulcers you may wake up to after a night of indulging in these spirits.

As you ponder “Which alcohol reduces body heat?” or “Is beer hot or cold for body?”, remember that these categorizations are rooted in Chinese philosophy. While not everyone might subscribe to these beliefs, we’re of the view that a little caution certainly doesn’t hurt. So, the next time you’re choosing a tipple, consider your body’s temperature balance, and drink wisely!

In addition, if you’re wondering why your face turns so red after drinking just a bit of alcohol, watch this video and you’ll know that it has nothing to do with your health: