All Cleaners Will Have 1 Day Off In April 2020 So S’poreans Can Learn How Much Waste We Generate


A cleaner’s job is super tough.

Imagine spending an entire day picking up trash off the ground non-stop under the hot sun. Now repeat that for almost every day of the week.

Some of the trash being picked up shouldn’t even be there in the first place.

We’re often told to respect our cleaners and for good reason. They do the dirty work that we don’t want to.

We can merely empathise with their plight, but what if we had to do their job instead?

Other Side Of The Coin

I’m going to be real and say not that many of us would.

That, however, won’t be a choice.


On April 2020, the Public Hygiene Council (PHC) will launch CleanSG Day.

The purpose of this is for us to take a little more responsibility for our public spaces and also clean up after ourselves.

Angrily reacts to all of you who don’t clear trays after eating at Macs.

On a currently unspecified day that month, cleaners will either have a lightened workload or be given a day off.

The replacements? Us!

Image: Clean and Green Singapore

Guess it’s time for me to leave the comforts of my computer for a day too.

First Official Run After Trials

The first time always sets the pace for more to come.

This campaign will be the first of its kind after several trial runs in areas like Nee Soon.

Trials saw professional cleaners intentionally leave areas untouched so residents had to do the job themselves, according to Eco-Business.


Smart move.

Image: Public Hygiene Council

Honestly, I think this could be a pretty good reality check.

Aside from maybe community service during school days, a lot of us don’t get to see how hard a cleaners job is.

The fact that these people often go underappreciated and occasionally disrespected breaks my heart.

Image: Tenor

I’m really glad about that bonus they’re getting next year.


We don’t even have to wait till that day comes; every little act counts to keeping Singapore clean.

If you see even a small bit of trash, you could just pick it up and toss it where it should be.

Image: Public Hygiene Council

It’ll make the lives of our over 40,000 employed cleaners just a wee bit easier.

So start by clearing out your darn waste at Macs. Seeing trays of wasted fries and drink makes me sad.