An IG-Worthy Place in S’pore That Lets People Eat All the Food They Want for $6.50 Per Hour

Last Updated on 2018-05-20 , 11:13 am

We all know how it feels like when you want to meet up with a group of friends but can’t find a common place to hang out at. Plus, none of you guys know what to do or where to meet.

Well, when such situation arises, this is where Coffee Min steps in – offering their cafe out for you to stay as long as you want, and eat all the food you want at just a flat rate of S$6.50.

With an outlet in both JCube, Clark Quay and City Square, Coffee Min is a new coworking space and anti-cafe for creative professionals, freelancers and entrepreneurs in Singapore to gather and meet. Else, you can also use the space to do your work during your own free time too – sort of like a home away from home — you get the drift.

You can even bring in your own food if you want to!

There, you can do various things like work, read a book, play games, get acquainted with good people, drink and eat as much as you want and just pay for the time spent there. An hour there cost S$6.50, and a subsequent 10 mins cost S$1. The price is capped at S$30 for the entire day.

Here’s a break down of the price list:


For just S$6.50 an hour, you get access to free flow coffee, snacks, and gaming devices. It’s really affordable, but hey, I’m not complaining.

At least you know it’s better than going to Starbucks and paying for a drink that cost more than S$6.50 and STILL are not guaranteed a spot. Plus, they also have restricted studying hours so your access to WIFI might be limited too. There was once I was doing work at Starbucks, and the WIFI got cut off because they were discouraging people from studying there.

Image: Facebok (Coffeemin)

So with places like Coffee Min, you know where you can go if you want to work or study in peace!

Image: Facebook (Coffeemin)

The place can also be opened up for events — birthday parties, events, meetings, functions — at just S$65 per hour! You can view more about their booking fees here.

And also the list of games available at Coffee Min here.

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