Another S’pore Influencer Allegedly Got into Shotgun Marriage

Last Updated on 2020-02-12 , 3:16 pm

Well, it seems like getting into a shotgun marriage is a trend among influencers right here in Singapore.

We’ve Naomi Neo in 2017, who allegedly was afraid to tell her then-boyfriend about the pregnancy but eventually did so.

Then we’ve JianHao Tan, who just welcomed his new baby to this world this September, and as of now, the three-month-old baby has more Instagram followers than some top influencers in Singapore, clocking an impressive 116k followers.

And now, one more influencer is joining them.

Dee Kosh’s Boys

The name Xinde might not ring a bell, but you’d have definitely heard of Dee Kosh.

The popular YouTuber / DJ / Host / Fried-Chicken-Lover has a team of boyband-looking boys that often appears in his videos.

One of which is Xinde Yap.

And this dimpled handsome oppa isn’t just Dee Kosh’s shadow: the guy has over 74K followers in Instagram, which means he’s one of the A-list influencers in Singapore.

(Though JianHao’s daughter has more followers, but anyways)

But he’s now known for being another influencer who got into a shotgun marriage.

But first thing first, more on Xinde Yap.

Not just an influencer

Immediately after ORD-ing in 2017, he did what many couldn’t afford to dared not do: he opened a bar in Tanjong Pagar, because why not.

Called Chug Chug, the two-year-old bar looks Instagram-worthy and having an influencer as the boss certainly helps, too.

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Just our boss, casually packing pastas

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In other words, Xinde isn’t just your usual influencer: he’s also a business owner.

Editor: Wait, I thought all influencers have a café or bar or restaurant because—

He’s like the perfect specimen of a human being: good-looking, popular, rich and owns a business.

And now, he’s going to be a father.

Sudden Announcement in Dee Kosh’s Video: I’m Getting Married

In the latest Dee Kosh video, it started out innocuously as the boys and uncle Dee Kosh played a game.

But all of a sudden, the video took a 360-degree turn as it’s revealed that Xinde is getting married.

Everyone cheered, of course.

And the video changed its focus to Xinde, who told the viewers how he met his fiancée and footages of his proposal.

A Shotgun Marriage

Everything wasn’t disclosed until the very end of the video, when Xinde said, “One more thing. She’s pregnant.” Yup, a shotgun marriage.

Oh, wells.

But is it all just a clickbait way to get people to watch the video? After all, we all know YouTubers would go all out just to get attention.

And to leave it at the end seems like a perfect strategy to gain “watch time”, a metric that YouTubers are obsessed with as it can game the YouTube algorithm.

Because just yesterday, Xinde posted on in his Instagram account:

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My lil frog 🐸. Boy or girl guys? 🤔🤔🤔

A post shared by ✖inDe Yap (@xindeyap) on

So yes, ladies and gentlemen. It’s now official: one more influencer is off the table.

Unless this is another Dee Kosh’s social experiment lah *coughs*BTS*coughs*