Bad news for Descendants of the Sun fans: Season 2 might not occur because of these silly reasons

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:34 pm

Okay, I know the headline itself is already demoralizing enough, and you hardcore fans might be thinking what’s life without Descendants of the Sun, but unfortunately, the truth remains: despite requests for more episodes, there would be any (except the three special episodes).

And despite requests for the second season, there won’t be any.

Not that it’s common to have a second season of a Korea drama, through (but fans can always hope, right?).

According to YiBaDa, Lee Eung-bok, one of the people responsible for the creation of the drama, mentioned that while it might be nice to have a second season, the possibility of that happening is very slim.

The key reason is that for the filming of Descendants of the Sun, they managed to free everyone’s schedules to film the production. The shooting in Greece already took one whole month, which mean the crew could not have any other commitment during that whole period. Imagine a Running Man crew as Captain Yoo Si-jin: he’ll be gone from four Running Man episodes!

But here’s the thing: if they could do it once before, why can’t they do it again? I’m sure everyone would be more enthusiastic for the second season, since it’s almost a certainty that it’ll be a hit (therefore budget could be higher).

The second reason is that it took two writers to come out with Descendants of the Sun (in the first draft, Captain Yoo Si-jin wasn’t even in it, haha!), and it could be difficult to repeat that again.

Say what?

They’ve earned shitloads of money, and they can’t engage everyone back again?

Descendants of the Sun could be a very profitable franchise if they would just have many seasons. But then again, just like hawkers franchising their food out and having shitty outlets dotting the island, it’s sometimes better to be remembered as one best drama that earned little than to be many lousy dramas that earned a lot.

So, be contented with the three special episodes.