Banana Ice-Cream With Peelable Jelly Skin is Being Sold in Taiwan & Allegedly M’sia

It’s been getting extremely hot in Singapore lately, and many of us have been struggling to find ways to escape the heat.

Air-conditioning? Not enough.

An iced drink? Not enough.

Ice cream? Hell yeah.

Image: Giphy

I scream, you scream, no one gets ice cream.

Peelable Banana Ice Cream

You’ve heard of a banana split. A banana sundae. A banana ice cream pie. But a peelable banana ice cream stick?

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📍台灣👉全台7-11 x #eden走跳超商美食 . 你們今天有去超商搶購香蕉冰淇淋了嗎? 一起剝皮了嗎?~哈哈‼️是剝香蕉皮啦! 這款冰淇淋打開包裝需要自己剝皮才能跟香蕉一樣的造型,這也太酷了吧! 外表的香蕉皮吃起來像果凍,裡面的冰淇淋則是香草冰淇淋 夏天吃冰也能那麼逗趣~ 大家一起吃起來💪💪💪嚐鮮一下 . 🔺#雀巢香蕉造型冰淇淋 (八入) 💰199元 . ————————————————— . #2eat2gether #instafood #instafoodie #dessert #foodstagram #taiwan #taiwanfood #foodpic #foodie #popyummy #foodblogger #popdaily #foodies #foodblogger #vscofood #TGIF#igfood #iseetaiwan#desserts #台中美食 #台北美食 #超商美食#711 #台灣限定#超商美食#超商限定 #台灣超商 #台湾

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On 30 April 2019, a food blogger by the name Eden Lin X posted this on his Instagram. And it has the internet shook.

The banana really is peelable, and lest you’re wondering, the banana “skin” is actually made from jelly. So not only can you have fun peeling it, you can eat it after that.

The best thing about this is the fact that it contains no artificial-coloring. It is also low in fat and sugar, so it’s considered quite healthy.

It’s worth going bananas for.

Not Available Here

If you’re curious to know how this tastes like, this isn’t available in Singapore. Unfortunately for us, it’s only available in Taiwan and Malaysia.

Image: Instagram / @eden_0522

In Taiwan, this banana ice cream sold by Nestle is sold in a pack of eight. They can be found at 7-Eleven and costs NT$199. In Singapore dollars, that’s $8.81.

Which means that one stick of ice cream would cost $1.10.

There are rumours that they could be found in Malaysia, but that’s not confirmed.

Whacky Ice Cream Flavours

Recently, there has been a wave of whacky flavours. Here are some of them which you can find around the world.

Like the Bubble Tea Ice Cream

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\【予告】タピオカ風もち入りロイヤルミルクティーバー💖/ 3/20(水)新発売✨濃厚な紅茶の風味が楽しめる「タピオカ風もち入りロイヤルミルクティーバー」(税込149円)✨ もっちりとした食感のタピオカ風もちに注目です😘 食後のデザートや1日のごほうびにロイヤルミルクティバーはいかが🍦? #タピオカ風もち入りロイヤルミルクティーバー #タピオカ #紅茶 #ロイヤルミルクティー #ミルクティー #もっちり #タピオカ部 #今日のおやつ #おやつタイム #アイスタグラム #アイス部 #セブンスイーツアンバサダー #セブンイレブンスイーツ #コンビニスイーツ #セブンプレミアム #近くて便利 #セブン #セブンイレブン #seveneleven

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If you thought that the bubble tea craze would die down, you’re wrong. From bubble tea hotpots, tarts, ice-cream, the world sure is getting more innovative with their bubble tea creations.

They were released in March of this year in Japan, and it contains black tea ice-cream, milk sauce, and tapioca style mochi. Each bar is sold for S$1.82, which is actually quite affordable.

Now, the only question remains is this: if the banana ice-cream bar gets viral here in Singapore, which company would bring it over to Singapore?

7-Eleven, you reading this?