Trapped Bat in MRT Train Cabin Terrified Commuters But Someone Could Still Take a Video

While koel birds, monkeys, otters and maybe even wild boars are pretty much “normal” animals that Singaporeans see around us, I’m pretty sure I know an animal that most of us probably don’t see so often.


In an MRT train carriage, no less.

But it seems like a group of MRT commuters had the luck (or bad luck) of experiencing such a sight firsthand during their morning commute.

Just last Friday (27 May), TikTok user @benth3cheese shared a video clip of a bat flying in an MRT carriage.

Based on the video clip, the train was a Downtown Line (DTL) MRT train that was travelling towards Sixth Avenue station.

“Our morning ride got accompanied by a lost BAT,” the user wrote.

In the clip, a small bat can be seen flying around in the carriage, presumably wondering how on earth it even got in.

Commuters’ Reactions

And we all know what was going to come next in the video: snippets of commuters reacting to the bat’s presence.

While one man raised his bag in front of him to shield himself from the bat, another woman shifted her body slightly out of the way and covered her face with her hands.

There were also other commuters who seemed completely unfazed by the bat, and, you guessed it, started to film the entire incident down on their phones while dodging whenever the bat flew close to them.

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Netizens’ Reactions

In the comments section of the video that has since garnered over 30,700 views on TikTok, many commuters were understandably left amused by the unique sight.

One commuter joked that the bat probably flew in from the Botanic Gardens MRT station, while others took the chance to crack some light-hearted vampire and Batman-themed jokes.

Pest Control Activated

But it seems like we won’t have to worry about having such encounters ourselves for the foreseeable future.

According to Mothership, the Vice President (Special Grade) of SBS Transit’s Corporate Communications Department, Grace Wu, mentioned that pest control was activated after the bat flew into the MRT carriage and that the bat was eventually caught.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@benth3cheese)