Before you use those Facebook Reactions, you need to know what each really means here

Last Updated on 2016-05-18 , 4:48 pm

If you’re an active Facebook user, you’ll realize that recently, you could no longer just “Like” a post: you could have different “reactions” to the post, from “Like” to “Angry”. This has been in beta for a while by several users and is officially rolled out for everyone only recently.

And if you’ve just discovered this, here’s one more fact that might just turn you off: There’s no “Dislike” Reaction.

So, what do the Reactions mean?


Well, each Reaction is easily associated with a word, but there’s more to it. We go through the Internet to find out the reactions of the Reactions, and here’s what each of them really mean. After all, remember this: language and meaning are created not by dictionaries, but by usage In other words, we the users determine the final meaning!

This used to be the only option, and so, it used to mean absolutely nothing, except the fact that you’ve seen the post. Now, it would have meant an approval or acknowledgement. When you “Like” something, you approve it.

This is like a superlative of “Like”, whereby you absolutely like a post. So between Like and Love, if you choose Love, you prefer it more than the posts that you’ve “Liked”.

Well, this is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? And it’s, to be honest, one of the best Reactions, because we all have so many things to laugh on the Internet, yet not so many to like. But here’s the thing: it’s not used to express sarcasm. People on the Internet won’t have thought so much about whether you’re laughing sincerely or have a meaning for your laugh: they just assume you laugh happily.

If you’ve come across something you didn’t know, or something that shocked you, then you use “Wow”. If not, this won’t be used that often.

In the past, Facebook has mentioned that it’s really not apt for someone to “Like” a post when it’s something sad. So, this is for you to “Like” something that you do not approve.

Okay, while it denotes anger, it’s mostly used as a “Dislike” button as well. According to many, it’s the closest thing to “Dislike”. Only time would tell whether it’ll eventually be used purely as a “Dislike” button!