Ben Yeo’s Latest Restaurant Serves a Rojak of Popular Hawker Food & They Look Heavenly

So, here’s a story about a match made in heaven.

There’s one thing about restaurants, and then there’s an extra attraction factor if it’s owned by a celebrity.

This food joint seems to have both, and to top it all off, it features some of the greatest hawker food. Ben Yeo’s got a new restaurant up, and dig this, it’s called Hawkerman.

Expect to see his famous fried chicken from Tenderfresh, as well as a couple of other goodies.

But what seems to be the most amazing thing on the menu is the rojak (no, not the food rojak). Here –read on and find out more with our news scoop!

Image: Hawkerman FB Page

About Hawkerman

Hawkerman’s got the privilege of having three famous Singapore brands under one shop. We’re talking about Warong Kim’s Hokkien Mee, Ah Boy Popiah and of course, Tenderfresh, the fried chicken from none other than our TV host and actor, Ben Yeo.

The restaurant’s operation method is pretty similar to a food court. Order your food, pay for it and when it’s ready, collect your meal and sit down to finally dive in!

It however comes with a comfy surrounding and is, thankfully, air-conditioned with 75 seats.

Don’t want to sweat while you’re eating after all, right?

If You Just Want a Rojak of All Three, Try This!

Sure, you can order a Skinny Popiah that’s got salted egg sauce and crispy chicken skin on the inside for S$4.90, but where’s the thrill in that?

The best thing to do is to sample the offerings of all three brands under one pack – called the Bao Ka Liao.

Image: Malay Mail Online

The huge offering is good enough to feed two stomachs, and in case you’re wondering what it means, Bao Ka Liao translates from Hokkien to “everything included” in English.

You’ll be able to see not 2 or 3, but 7 different dishes in one solid serving.

This includes Ah Boy’s Hokkien Popiah, Tenderfresh’s Signature Fried Half Spring Chicken, and Warong Lim’s Hokkien Mee. Wash it down with a Citrus Plum Watermelon dessert that’s also part of the package.

The cost, you ask? It’s affordably priced at S$32.90.

Other Dishes to Try

If you dig shellfish, you’lll love the La La Hokkien Mee, which is priced at a decent S$9.90 and includes a generous mix of squid, white clams and prawns in it. The person who is the brains behind this dish is none other than Hokkien Mee specialist Tan Kue Kim.

Image: Hawkerman FB Page and @ggscorpio

Here’s another fun fact – did you know that Ah Boy Popiah’s risen from none other than Good Chance Popiah of Silat Ave? It’s now run by their fourth generation – you know that the recipe’s been safely guarded in the family.

Hawkerman is open every day from 11:00 a.m. onwards right up to 10.30 p.m., and located in SingPost Centre (10 Eunos Road 8).

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