Boss Called Police Over ‘Stolen’ Cars, Later Found Out That They Were Towed For Illegal Parking

How would you feel if you come to work the next day, only to find 10 brand new cars are missing from your workshop?

And the worst thing? These cars don’t technically belong to you and some of them are supposed to be handed over to customers soon.

You’ll panic, right?

That was what happened to this lady boss who operated a car dealer out of Wcega Plaza in Bukit Batok Crescent.

10 Japanese Cars Stolen From Car Dealer

Image: Lianhe Zaobao

The boss, Miss Guo, got the shock of her life when she came to work the next day and realised that 10 of her cars which were parked in the lane behind the carpark were no longer there.

Panicking, she called the police to report the loss of her cars.

She told Lianhe Zaobao that she left 10 pm the night before and the cars were still in their spots.

She said that the 10 cars were all Japanese cars and were estimated to cost about SGD300,000 (not sure why so cheap – without COE, perhaps?). She was really desperate as some of the cars were scheduled to be handed over to customers soon.

Her Cars Were Not Stolen, Just Towed Away

The police arrived at the scene and started investigating.

And that was when things took a little twist. Okay, make that a whole new twist to the story.

Her cars were, in fact, not stolen. Merely towed away by the management of the building in the middle of the night for illegal parking.

At this point, I’m not sure if she’s relieved or embarrassed that her illegal parking is made known to the world.

They’d clamped the vehicles at 11 pm and towed the vehicles to the rooftop carparks four hours later.

The management claimed that they had sent her a notice for the removal of the cars by 9 May, which she did not heed.

Miss Guo countered by saying she had, in fact, received two notices; one for removal of car washing equipment from the lane by 9 May, which did not mention anything about the cars; the other which did mention about cars, but the deadline stated was on 31 May.

Wrong Way To Handle The Matter by The Management

Nonetheless, she said it was wrong for the management to operate in such manner, especially since the matter was escalated to the police, which could be avoided if the management had gone about the issue in a better way.

The spokesperson from the building maintained that they handled the matter according to regulations.

Some netizens have taken the side of the management, saying she shouldn’t have done something wrong and tried to blame others for it. While others are busy saying orbi quack, anyhow park some more.

Moral of the story: Getting your vehicle clamped and towed away is not a myth, but something quite real.

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