Boy Posed With Sportscar That Doesn’t Belong to Him & The Car Owner Found & Protected Him

Lying on social media is kind of like farting. Everyone does it but we pretend not to notice it because we do it too.

But sometimes we go too far and pay the price for it.

A Car-less Mistake

A Malaysian boy posted a picture of himself on Instagram sitting on a sportscar with the caption “Always push yourself”.

These types of posts are popular on Instagram because they tend to garner more likes and comments.

Except, there was just one problem this time.

It wasn’t his car.

The real owner of the car, NM, called him out on Twitter in a post with screenshots of the boy’s original picture and the caption:

“Random kid with my car, I don’t mind but look at his comment”.

Image: Twitter

The commenter said “This idol is so rich”, and the boy replied, “It’s just the world, brother”.


Then, social media users, like the vultures that they are, pounced on the boy by leaving mean comments on his Instagram page.

NM, however, was appalled at the online abuse and urged social media trolls to stop bullying him.

Image: Twitter

She said:

“Guys, why criticise the boy, he didn’t do anything wrong, he’s still young. I don’t even care about his comment, I didn’t insult him, I just wanted to poke a little fun at him. Pity him you guys, his comments are full of criticism”.

NM not only criticized the boy’s bullies but even reached out and met him in person to put an end to his ordeal.

Image: Twitter

NM shared pictures of their meet up with the caption “You guys bullied him, of course, I had to come and see if he’s okay. I started it anyways. He’s a good kid. Full stop”.

An Example for All

NM’s magnanimous actions towards the boy should serve as an example of how we should treat people on social media.

Everyone makes mistakes, but some are unfortunate enough to make these mistake on the internet, which is an incredibly unforgiving place.

When this happens, we should ditch the mob mentality and be a little more understanding instead of rushing to criticize.

In a culture of online shaming, let’s learn to forgive and forget.