British Man Who Punched Roxy Square Security Guard Gets 1 Week’s Jail

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt security guards in Singapore were all generally harmless.

Sure, they step in when you try to toe the line (as per their job), but in any normal circumstance, they tend to be a bunch of innocent older people.

Now imagine being in your retirement years, kopi in one hand and newspaper in the other, legs propped up and lamenting about the good old days when suddenly a burly ang moh comes wandering into your territory.

Sighing, you get up to tell the bad man to please get out when you suddenly get sucker-punched in the face.

A video was uploaded to All Singapore Stuff detailing this exact incident in April.

The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors

Andrew Lim, the security guard, was approached at around 12.15 am on the 4 April by a Caucasian man, Stuart Boyd Mills, who was having difficulties finding the exit.

Usually, when I ask for directions, I tend to ask nicely cause you never know where the person giving directions might lead you.

But nope, Mr Mills proceeds to be abrasive towards poor Mr Lim in the dead of night, who was probably expecting a nice peaceful watch.

He starts vlogging too / Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

Thankfully, his colleague was there to film it all.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

Maybe He Doesn’t Want to Leave

Mr Lim consistently asks Mr Mills to speak nicely and consistently offers to show him an alternative exit.

Mr Lim kindly shows Mr Mills the exit / Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

Instead of accepting the answer he asked for in the first place, Stuart decides to start filming his interaction with the guard.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

He also proceeds to laugh at several points in the video.
I could not find the joke at which he derived his joy.

Why is he laughing? / Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

In the early stages of the confrontation, Mr Lim can be seen drinking continuously from a cup (his anger management is highly commendable).

To be fair to Stuart, he does claim that the exits are ‘f**king awful’, which was why he probably didn’t want to go.

But then if you think about it, what then does he want? Hmm.

One-Hit KO

Eventually, Mr Lim manages to bring Mr Mills closer to the exit.

On their way there, Mr Mills can be seen tripping Mr Lim, causing the 60-year old to stumble.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

Doing that while knowing you’re on video isn’t very smart, in my opinion. And then he proceeds to punch Mr Lim, who falls to the ground, his glasses flying askew.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

At this point, his colleague starts to freak out and proceeds to chase Mr Mills.

Not very smart, man.

Jailed For 1 Week

Mr Mills was sentenced to jailed for one week.

When the incident occurred, Mr Lim received two days of medical leave and painkillers. Mr Mills allegedly returned to apologise and gave himself up. This was the point where he was detained.

He ended up paying $2,000 in compensation to Mr Lim for his injuries. These include a swollen eye, sprained neck and broken glasses.

Since the incident, Mr Mills, the owner of an ad agency, had allegedly received hate via telephone and through his mail.

His lawyer said that he has a major depressive disorder, but has been receiving medical help.

Mills could have been jailed for up to 2 years, fined a maximum of S$5,000 or both for voluntarily causing hurt.