Man Involved in 1 of the Worst Rape Cases in S’pore Sentenced to 33 Years & 2 Months of Jailtime

Ever so occasionally, the worst parts of humanity come to the forefront of our lives by headlines.

Sometimes, we are reminded that some individuals don’t deserve to be parents.

This is one of them.

Man Sexually Abuses Four out of Five of His Daughters

In the words of Justice Tan Siong Thye, the judge preceding this case, the 45-year-old criminal has turned the place called “home” into a living hell for his children by causing “unimaginable misery and untold torment” for them over a span of 14 years.

During that period of time, he molested four out of his five daughters, and raped three of them.

Readers, the following details are not for the faint-hearted, and are frankly repulsive, so read at your own discretion or skip to the next header if it makes you uncomfortable.

From the court proceedings, it is known that the man has a daughter and son from a previous marriage, and they are living with his new family.

His other four daughters and son came from his current marriage.

The criminal started abusing his oldest daughter in 2004 when she was just six or seven years old. The oldest daughter is currently 24 years old.

Over the years, he molested his four oldest daughters on multiple occasions, often in overlapping periods, and went as far as raping three of them.

In 2016, he called his fourth daughter, who was just Primary 5 at that time, to come into his room and showed her a pornographic video.

He claimed that it was a Primary 5 girl having sexual intercourse with his father, and made her “pinky promise” never to divulge this fact to anyone.

From then onwards, he started fondling and raping her, usually when his wife was out for work.

It worsened in 2018, where he threatened to stop her from pursuing education if she didn’t have sex with him every month.

She didn’t reveal the fact that she was being sexually abused because of the promise and because she didn’t want him to hate her. The daughter was also afraid that she would be sent to a girls’ home and separated from her family.

On at least two occasions in 2018 alone, he would call the girls over to conduct “body checks” on them.

He would also call the girls into the master bedroom one by one, perform sexual acts on them and photograph those obscene moments.

Afterwards, he humiliated them by showing them the photos and told them to clean themselves properly, before deleting the photos.

It was only on 17 November 2018, some time after midnight, where the fourth daughter told her older sisters that their father just raped her.

One sister managed to persuade her to file a police report at a station further away from him, so their father couldn’t find them.

True to their predictions, after the two girls left their “home”, the man searched for them at different police stations nearby.

When he failed to find them, the criminal spent more than an hour searching online how he could pass a lie detector test.

The brute was arrested at around 1:40pm that day.

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His Other Crimes

After his fourth daughter made the police report, the trail of abuse made by a terrible father was brought to light.

Apart from sexually abusing his daughters, he rained physical abuse on them, his wife, and younger son too.

In an incident that occurred on 1 September 2018, the criminal was infuriated with the three girls for taking their younger siblings to the playground without finishing their chores first.

He threw out all the food in the house and ordered his wife not to cook for the three girls and his younger son.

He cut off their access to electricity, refrigerator, lights, and food for five days, forcing them to survive off tap water and the little food their mother could smuggle to them whenever she dined out with the other children.

His Sentencing and Charges

The man pleaded guilty to seven charges for the offences committed against his fourth daughter when she was aged 12 to 13.

The charges he is currently convicted of, are as follows:

  • Three charges of aggravated rape
  • One charge for aggravated sexual assault by penetration
  • Two charges for aggravated outrage of modesty
  • One charge for ill-treatment of a child.

For these convictions alone, he was sentenced to jail for 33 years, and given 24 strokes of the cane, on Friday (18 March).

Another 26 charges were taken into consideration during the sentencing. 

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Featured Image: Shutterstock / sebra