Bukit Timah Gym With Omicron Cluster Had Broken COVID-19 Rules & Ordered to Close for 10 Days


At the beginning of this week, the Ministry of Health (MOH) revealed that there was a suspected Omicron cluster at an Anytime Fitness outlet in Bukit Timah Shopping Centre.

The cluster comprises three COVID-19 cases, two of whom were found to have the new and infectious strain in preliminary tests, while the test result for the third case was pending.

You can watch this video to know more about the cluster:

Since we expected the Omicron variant to leak into our community at some point, we didn’t think much of it.

But now it turns out that some blame can be attributed to the gym.

Bukit Timah Gym With Omicron Cluster Had Broken COVID-19 Rules & Ordered to Close for 10 Days

When Sport Singapore investigated the outlet after the emergence of the cluster, it found that the gym had failed to implement procedures and controls to ensure that gym-goers abide by COVID-19 safety measures.

As a result, the authorities fined the Anytime Fitness outlet $1,000 and ordered it to suspend operations for 10 days.

Sport Singapore, a national sports governing body, urged operators of sports and fitness establishments, as well as their patrons, to adhere to the prevailing COVID-19 rules to keep the community safe.

“Enforcement action will be taken against businesses or individuals who fail to comply with the safe-management measures,” it said.

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Both Staff & Visitors Quarantined

In its statement on Monday, the ministry said it is ringfencing the cases through contact tracing. All three cases are fully vaccinated and have mild symptoms.

Two of them are students – aged 18 and 24, while the last one is a 24-year-old man who is unemployed.

Both staff and visitors of the Anytime Fitness outlet who are identified as close contacts will be placed on quarantine, the ministry said.

Other visitors to the gym between 15 December and 17 December will be issued Health Risk Warnings as a precautionary measure. They will also be contacted by MOH for a one-time targeted PCR test.

“All visitors to the affected premises are advised to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their date of visit. They are encouraged to see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell,” it added.

As of Monday, there are 71 confirmed cases of the Omicron variant here; 65 imported and six local.

But, as we’ve already seen in other countries, the ministry said more cases will likely be found at our borders and in our community.


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Featured Image: Facebook (Anytime Fitness Bukit Timah)