Burger King Disses McDonald’s Salted Egg Fries in Their FB Post & Called Them a ‘Clown’

When McDonald’s launched their new “time-limited” menu consisting of wow-worthy items like Salted Egg Loaded Fries and Peach Pie, Singaporeans were psyched.

Unfortunately, the only thing that’s good with the McDonald’s salted egg loaded fries is the idea of it, and the real stuff left everybody feeling disappointed.

Including my everything-also-nice colleague, GY.

Here are some nice quotable quotes from his review you might be interested in:

Is our resident cat peeing again? Or our resident dog licking our cups again? Is our resident bull shitting on our boss’s table again?

Turns out it’s a strong smell from the fries, and I kid you not when I say this: It smells like bacon. 

For a start, everyone agrees that if not for the box, no one would think that it’s salted egg yolk #votesareunanimous

Simply put, it’s a yellow sauce that’s sour, sweet and salty. Add in some bitterness and it’ll be a Captain Planet of all tastes, but anyways.

Either that or someone in McDonald’s is drunk when he or she is coming out with this item #justsaying

Interested in reading the whole thing? Here you go.

If not, here’s the gist of his poetry:

And the rest of the internet agrees

Normally, for any hot topic on the internet, netizens are pretty divided.

Even in cases where a motorcyclist kicked a lorry’s side mirror, there are netizens who are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunately, for McDonald’s, no one’s willing to defend their latest product.

So we can all say that McDonald’s salted egg fries is a worse criminal than the motorcyclist who kicked the lorry’s side mirror.

Or, to be exact, a smooth criminal.

And believe me, the sentiments on all McDonald’s Salted Egg fries post echoed each other so much you’d have thought it’s a single person with thousands of accounts.

Even Burger King Couldn’t Resist Joining In

Businesses rarely diss each other in public. In fact, that’s considered bad etiquette. And often, they leave each other alone to their misery because, well, everyone’s been through this kind of situations before.

But not this time.

There’s this really angry comment which garnered almost 100 responses on McDonald’s Facebook post.

The commenter gave his heartfelt opinion about the worth (or worthlessness) of the new fries.

And Burger King seemed to agree with it so much they couldn’t resist responding to it.

Yeowch, burn.

And it doesn’t help that McDonald’s influencer is Ronald…

Image: wikia.com

A wholesome clown.

Now let’s take one minute to appreciate the beauty of their burn.

And the internet went cra-cra-cra-crazy

There are some who rose up in McDonald’s defence

And some who appreciates the wittiness of BK

And then, there are those who are eagerly waiting for the show to start.

Who knows, it could just be BK coming to the rescue, helping their brothers-in-arms in the fast food industry tide over the uncomfortable period. #Bromance

**All images from McDonald’s Facebook Page unless otherwise stated.