New Online Store Allows You to Buy Groceries in JB with Flat $20 Delivery Fee

If, prior to the pandemic, your weekends are often filled with day-long trips across the Causeway to shop and eat to your heart’s content in Johor Bahru, you’ll definitely love this.

Stretching Your Dollar with BuyJB

Launched just a few days ago, the fresh-out-the-oven e-commerce platform, BuyJB, is here to offer various groceries from Johor Bahru, from your favourite coffee and tea to bare… ahem, I mean baby necessities.

Like almost everything you can buy across the Causeway, the prices of the groceries offered on BuyJB is definitely on the cheaper side.

For instance, the Mamypoko Air Fit Diaper XL 44s costs S$25.95 on while you can get the exact same product on BuyJB for just S$21.50. That’s a saving of more than S$4!

Of course, the savings margin differs from product to product, and if you’re a true bargain hunter, you should be able to quickly identify which items give you the most savings on BuyJB with just a simple glance.

And yes, to make things even more convenient for their customers, BuyJB automatically converts everything on its store from MYR to SGD.

So, even if maths isn’t your forte, you don’t have to worry about messing up the currency conversions and feeling disappointed when you found out a “deal” you excitedly spotted a moment ago wasn’t actually a “deal”.

Since everything’s online, you can shop at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Once you’re done with the shopping, simply checkout your items and pay, in SGD, using PayNow. Note that any refunds you might want to claim will also be issued via PayNow once the refund request is approved.

As a bonus, you’ll get your groceries delivered straight to your doorstep within 4 working days too!

But There’s a Catch – The Delivery Fees

BuyJB charges a flat-rate delivery fee of S$20 regardless of the total weight of your groceries.

The fee also includes 7% GST and customs, besides the transportation costs and labour.

Due to this, like buying anything from Taobao, shopping at BuyJB would probably make more sense if you pool everything you need to buy from your parents, siblings, aunties, uncles, friends, community cats, community dogs… you get the drift, before hitting that “Checkout” button.

That said, the online store does hint that they might be putting up offers and discounts for their shipping fees in the future, so this is something you might want to keep an eye on.

Featured Image: BuyJB