Cai Shen Ye in MRT is Actually an Ingenious Publicity Stunt

To think I was just done with an article about inviting the God of Fortune to your house. I guess it’s only natural now that Lunar New Year is just around the corner!

Looks like the God of Fortune will actually come to you these days— inside an MRT station, giving you… chocolates.


Wah nowadays economy really so jialat meh? 财神爷 can only afford to give us chocolate ah?

Some more, what if MRT breakdown? This year Hoseh liao sia.

If you’re been on the Internet recently, you would have seen the viral image of a Cai Shen Ye in a train station. I won’t blame you if you think he’s going for a cosplay event…though he’s just too cute to be one.


“I thought it was quite cute and people were surprised to see the God of Wealth. Quite fun to see such things since it’s close to the Chinese New Year period,” said Stomper Koh, the person who spotted the Cai Shen Ye at Dhoby Ghaut MRT.

Well, guess what? The Cai Shen Ye is believed to be a publicity stunt by an e-commerce store known as FreeLor.

Now I’m interested. Just give me a few moments to see what FreeLor is all about.


Hmm, so it’s an online platform that offers daily deals and rewards, huh.

Wait a minute, I fell for the marketing stunt!

(Editor’s note: Our writer ended up scrolling through the website for a good 5 minutes)

Well, you can’t deny that the Cai Shen Ye is a great way to promote your website during the Lunar New Year period! After all, everyone wants to huat and I believe some would even want to take some photos with the mascot!

It’s publicity for the company for every photo uploaded online! Nicely done, Freelor!


That being said, I should probably go to Sembawang and pray to the Cai Shen Ye before the crowd appears.

Happy Lunar New Year, y’all!

And erm, I think Freelor just huat with this publicity stunt lor.

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