A Cat That Looks like Zorro Has Got Viral With Its TikTok Account Having Over 7.9 Million Likes

In a world filled with eight billion people, there’s definitely no shortage of doppelgängers, or people who look incredibly alike, in this world.

But I’m sure it’s not every day that you see an animal looking oddly similar to a human being, no?

Well, you’re about to see one today.

Recently, a nine-month-old kitten from Indonesia has taken the internet by storm after netizens realised that its black spots turn it into a Zorro lookalike.

And for the younger kids who have no idea who Zorro is, Zorro is a fictional character that is often seen in his fully-black costume, which comprises a black cape, hat and mask that covers the upper half of his face.

The character, initially created by American pulp writer Johnston McCulley back in 1919, went on to star in multiple TV series and films named after it in the years that followed.

And just like Zorro’s iconic black mask, the mixed Persian kitten also has a patch of black around its eyes that look like a mask.

The top of its head is also black in contrast to its white body, making it look like a “hat”, which is also a part of Zorro’s outfit.

Zorro Lookalike Rose to Fame on TikTok, But the Cat’s Name Actually Isn’t Zorro

The Zorro lookalike first appeared on TikTok in November last year, and since then, it’s been clear that this particular kitten has been the star of the account.

The videos, posted by TikTok user @iWhy_, have since amassed over 7.9 million likes and more than 278,000 followers on the video-sharing platform.

Earlier this month on 8 June, a video of the kitten yawning garnered over 3.4 million views, more than 407,800 likes and some 5,900 comments on TikTok.

Recently, Indraini Wahyudi Noor, the owner of the cats, revealed that the kitten that netizens have been affectionately calling “Zorro” isn’t, well, actually named Zorro.

He shared that the cat’s actual name is Boy, but netizens who have seen the TikTok videos usually call the young kitten Zorro.

Boy is His Owner’s Favourite Cat

Mr Indraini, 50, also admitted that Boy is his favourite cat out of the many that he owns due to its unique appearance.

He added in a statement to Caters News Agency that he is a fan of the comments regarding Boy’s resemblance to Zorro.

He even plays the theme song from The Mask of Zorro for Boy to listen to, and said that Boy probably enjoys the song as well.

Beyond his similarity with the fictional character, Mr Indraini mentioned that Boy is “a very spoiled cat” and likes to play, and enjoys being petted, cuddled and held.

And as with most other cats, Boy dislikes taking baths every week as well.

Netizens Gave Other Name Suggestions

Apart from the obvious “Zorro” nickname, netizens on TikTok also gave provided a long list of other names that they felt suited Boy.

“How does this cat have a name other than Bandit?” one netizen commented.

Another commenter wrote, “How with all these comments has nobody but me commented “cat burglar”?”

Boy’s New Children

And if one Zorro lookalike isn’t enough, we might be getting a few more in the future.

Last week, Mr Indraini uploaded a TikTok video of Boy and three baby kittens, who are all his newborn children.

One of the newborns bears a striking resemblance to his father, and netizens have been calling him “Zorro Junior” ever since.

Mr Indraini agreed with the netizens, saying that that particular newborn looks like Boy, except that the newborn’s fur has a middle parting.

And just like Mr Indraini, fans of Boy were thrilled as well after hearing the good news.

“Alhamdulillah, there is a successor to Zorro. The world will soon be saved,” one TikTok user even commented.

Response to Netizens’ Doubts

Despite the large amount of support that Boy and his owner have garnered since they joined the world of TikTok, there have also been TikTok users who have expressed their doubts regarding Boy’s fur colour.

These netizens speculated that Boy and his son’s fur might have been painted or dyed for them to look like Zorro with his mask on.

In response to those comments, Mr Indraini uploaded a clip of Boy’s kittens right after they were born, proving that Boy’s son was born with black markings on it.

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Cats Not Up For Adoption and Have Contracts with Agencies

Apart from ooh-ing and aah-ing over how adorable Boy and his children are, some of their followers have also asked Mr Indraini how much would they need to pay if they wish to adopt Zorro Junior.

However, it seems like that is out of the question for now, as Mr Indraini replied that both Boy and Zorro Junior are not up for adoption.

He added that both father and son are currently bound by multiple contracts with various agencies in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

The news of the kittens’ contracts prompted more discussion and triggered more anticipation among fans.

One fan even speculated if Boy or his son would appear in movies such as the Kingsman film series since a pug was cast in the series’ first film.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@iWhy_) + zorro.com