Minister: Prepare for Many CB Measures to Continue Even After 1 June

Life will not be back to normal even after 1 June.

That’s the main message Minister Lawrence Wong wants to tell Singaporeans in his Facebook post yesterday.

Many Current CB Measures To Continue

Just like how CB is just a name for a pseudo lockdown, the lifting of CB is also in-name-only.

Many Circuit Breaker measures, he warns, will continue even after CB is lifted.

For example, he said that he expects only 5% of the construction workforce will start to work after 1 June on “selected” projects.

And companies who are allowed to start work again must comply with new safeguards:

  • all workers within the same project must live together in the same dormitory
  • periodic testing of the workers with at least 2 weeks intervals
  • social distancing at work

Only after the industry starts to gain confidence and experience with the measures, will they start to scale up.

In gaming terms, the beta testers get to start work earlier. Only after all the kinks have been worked out will it be open to the rest.

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This “calibrated” manner of reopening Singapore will be used for other areas as well, “be it work, school or in our social settings”.

A Controlled & Phased Exit

The rise of asymptomatic cases and China’s 2nd round of Covid-19 infections has health authorities worrying about an even bigger spike after restrictions are eased.

Hokkaido also showed the consequences of easing restrictions too quickly.

Image: Make a Meme

It doesn’t help that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has come out to warn governments that Covid-19 isn’t so easily stamped out.

So if you’re hoping Mr Lawrence Wong has a change of mind two weeks later and proclaim 1 June as a national “Come Out & Grind” Day, don’t pin too much hope on it.

After all, as the authorities have shown, they’ve always believed in being safe than sorry.

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