Chee Soon Juan Treats Cleaners a Meal in his New Café Before It Opens Today (25 June)

Whether you love him, hate him, or are apathetic towards him, you’ve got to admit that Chee Soon Juan does have a heart for the community. Apart from being the secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), he is now also a proud owner of a café!

Wait, what?

Yes, it’s true! Orange & Teal opens at Rochester Mall today and is a short walk from Buona Vista MRT Station.

In his earlier Facebook post, Dr Chee highlighted how he wanted it to be a place where intelligent discussion and even impassioned debate takes place.

Though with their recent fiascos, I don’t suppose that the staff from the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) HQ would be going there anytime soon to hear students out? 

But back to the topic at hand. Before officially opening the doors of his eatery to hungry customers, Dr Chee kindly treated the cleaning staff of Rochester Mall to a hearty meal at his café!

Chee Soon Juan Treats Cleaners a Meal in his New Café Before It Opens Today (25 June)

In a Facebook post yesterday (24 Jun), he documented the little event, taking a selfie with all the cleaning aunties and uncles seated in his orange and teal-coloured café.

“Had some honoured guests over for lunch a little while ago – the cleaning aunties and uncles at Rochester Mall. Served them a mixed platter of some of our Mains – Creole Jambalaya, Poulet Roti and Succotash,” he wrote.

Dr Chee also highlighted how he hoped to do such things more often with elderly workers across our island.

“They deserve a nice treat every now and then.”

With regards to the opening of Orange & Teal, he appealed to customers coming down to abide by COVID-19 regulations to keep the community safe.

His post has since garnered over 8.8k likes and nearly 660 shares. Netizens were very heartened by his kind gesture and left many encouraging comments on his new endeavour.

Orange & Teal

The café will open its doors for the first time today (25 Jun) at 11:00am and is operational every day of the week! Their opening hours are:

  • Mon-Thu: 11:00am – 9:00pm
  • Fri: 11:00am – 10:00pm
  • Sat: 10:00am – 10:00pm
  • Sun: 10:00am – 9:00pm

You can also check out their menu and prices, here!

Unfortunately, the café has not been halal-certified yet. But they will not be serving pork, lard, or pork-related items. Beer and wine will also be served, but the glassware for alcohol will be kept separate.

In a follow-up Facebook post, Dr Chee expressed that he and his wife, Mei, wanted to serve up quality without burning one’s week’s wages.

“In a way, the café is an extension of our home where music, books and loved ones matter most. That’s why we had a piano and books brought in.

“In time to come, we hope the cafe will become a place of comforting familiarity for you, like an old shoe wrapped snugly around those tired soles. And with great food, it’ll be like home away from home,” he wrote.

Read his full post, here:

So, if this sounds like the perfect place for you, why not check Orange & Teal out! You can find it at:

Address: #02-12 Rochester Mall, 35 Rochester Drive, Singapore 138639 (near Buona Vista MRT station)

Featured Image: Facebook (Chee Soon Juan 徐顺全)