China Health Authorities Says Wuhan Pneumonia Outbreak Isn’t SARS

Before we jump into the topic at hand, let’s get you all caught up.

Firstly, a “mysterious viral pneumonia outbreak” has plagued Wuhan in China.

Thus far, 59 people have been affected, raising alarm bells and pretty much widespread panic all over the world.

Of these 59 people, 11 are very sick and the cause of all the panic is the fact that this virus is reminiscent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) which struck Singapore back in 2003.

There was even a suspected case of the mystery Wuhan virus here in Singapore, which the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday, involving a three-year-old girl with pneumonia from China.

Temperature screenings were also implemented at Changi Airport due to the pneumonia outbreak in China, so you know that the authorities aren’t playing around.

Turns out, it might not be the Sars we thought it was.

China Health Authorities Says Wuhan Pneumonia Outbreak Isn’t SARS

It all began with a mysterious viral pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan that occurred last week.

Word got around and everybody began speculating that it could be a resurgence of the highly contagious and dangerous Sars virus.

However, the Wuhan health commission has spoken up regarding the matter: “We have excluded several hypotheses, in particular, the fact that it is a flu, an avian flu, an adenovirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers).”

So to be extra clear, it isn’t Sars or Mers, according to the China Health Authorities.

Image: Giphy

Well, glad that that’s out of the way. After all, it’s just a viral pneumonia outbreak… No biggie.

8 People Punished For Publishing False Information

Wuhan police have punished eight people for “publishing or forwarding false information on the internet without verification.”

The China Health Authorities have also clarified again that 59 patients are seriously ill but none have passed away and all of them are being quarantined and are receiving medical treatment.

The outbreak took place between 12 and 29 December and some of the victims were employed at a seafood market in the city.

The seafood market has since been closed for disinfection.

Perhaps most importantly, no evidence of human-to-human transmission has been identified thus far, which is good news for all of us as it reduces the risk of spread and infection.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said, “The reported link to a wholesale fish and live animal market could indicate an exposure link to animals.”

The ill patients are down with the virus are currently suffering from fever and difficulty breathing. Chest radiographs also show invasive lesions on both lungs.

We wish the affected patients a speedy recovery.