China & Russia Haven’t Congratulated Joe Biden on His Victory Yet

When President-elect Joe Biden’s and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s win in the US 2020 presidential election took the headlines on November 8, leaders all over the world congratulated them on the victory.

Though many world leaders have expressed their well-wishes, China and Russia’s leaders, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, have continued to keep their silence.

Now, if you’ve been living under a stone for the last 30 years, here’s something shocking: China and Russia aren’t exactly BFFs with the US.

Russia to Wait for Official Announcement Before Congratulating Joe Biden

Back in 2016 when Donald Trump won the presidential election, Vladimir Putin congratulated him within hours of the race being called.

Maybe he could’ve congratulated him days before the race was being-

The article has been taken over by another writer because the previous writer appears to have died from poisoning.

However, this time around, things are a little different.

According to NBC News, Kremlin (Kremlin is the nickname for the Russia government, kind of like White House for the US President) press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said, “The incumbent president has announced certain legal procedures, so this situation is different, and we consider it correct to wait for an official announcement.”

This is due to the fact that Donald Trump has yet to concede defeat, and the team has decided to press charges for election fraud.

Some of the allegations include those which claimed that illegal ballots were being counted in several states.

You can read more about Trump’s approach here.

China Taking a Wait-and-See Approach

China is also taking a similar stand.

According to The Washington Post, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, said, “We understand that the presidential election result will be determined following U.S. laws and procedures.”

The country will also be issuing a statement after the election verdict has been finalised.

Lest you didn’t know, the relations between China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and Donald Trump has been a strained one.

With divided views on issues such as trade and technology, the two leaders have been undergoing numerous discussions to work on these important matters.

For those who recalled, there are ongoing talks for US to bar people from downloading TikTok due to national security concerns.

Aside from China and Russia, President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, are among other leaders who have yet to issue their statements to congratulate Joe Biden.

The leaders will wait for the official announcement to be made before taking the next step.

World leaders from countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand congratulated Joe Biden

In contrast, congratulatory messages have poured in from other world leaders.

One of which includes Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong.

In his post, PM Lee mentioned that the global pandemic has brought on serious challenges for every country, including the US and Singapore. The duty of a leader is to unite the people, strengthen their trust in the government, and see the nation through the crisis at this critical time.

PM Lee looks forward to working with Joe Biden and his Administration to deepen the partnership between both countries, enhance the US’ role in Asia-Pacific and overcome Covid-19.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, has also extended his heartfelt congratulations to Joe Biden.

The PM said that as a fast-growing developing country, Malaysia attaches great importance to its relations with the US.

The country looks forward to strengthening the partnership under Biden’s leadership, as the international community seeks to address many global challenges, including the disastrous impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In her Twitter post, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, said, “With so many issues facing the international community, your message of unity is one we share. New Zealand looks forward to working with you both!”

Well, she must know how it feels now. The popular Kiwi just won an election in a landslide victory.

Image: Free Wind 2014 / Kaliva / Pix_Arena /