Chinese Fake Luxury Goods Seller Caught After Officers Saw Mom Putting Pork Into ‘LV’ Bag

Pretty sure we’ve all bought fake goods before.

As a kid, I used to have a dusty old PlayStation with mostly imitation copies of actual games.

The games didn’t work right at times, but it was good enough.

Image: Imgur

Also at least said seller of the games only charged me three to five bucks.

Now imagine you were just an everyday man and someone sold you a rather convincing looking bag for the same price at the original?

Boy, I’d be pissed.

Bagging A Fake One

I think the set up for this case was kind of weird, honestly.

So, an online trader from southwest China has been detained for selling fake luxury goods to people.

Picture for Illustration Purposes. Image: LiveAbout

The reason? Apparently the police got tipped off after her mother was spotted using a Louis Vuitton bag to carry pork and vegetables she bought at a local market.

I mean yeah that’s weird, but you never know.

Even funnier was that police in Chongqing said officers patrolling the market late last month felt that that, based on her clothing, it was not something she could afford.

Image: Imgflip

Once again, possibility, but sometimes you can’t judge.

Just because my head is big doesn’t mean I’m Jimmy Neutron.

Officers Were Actually Right

I guess sometimes this logic works out.

Officers soon linked the case to a complaint they had received the previous day, from a woman living in Gansu province, over 1,000km away.

A seller based in that city had convinced her to purchase a seemingly real Chanel bag for S$1,354.

She only realised it was a counterfeit after noticing the poor quality and bringing it to a store. The woman didn’t even manage to get a refund from the seller.

Image: Imgur

The seller seemed pretty experienced too, considering that the police investigating found several fake names and addresses coming from previous deals.

They even found surveillance footage of the seller’s father going to one of these fake addresses to fetch a bag.

Getting Caught

You best bet we got a happy ending at least.

The police did eventually find the seller’s home, finding four rooms containing over 400 bootlegged luxury bags as well as plenty of anti-fake labels.


I want to say I appreciate the efforts made, but we don’t condone crimes over here.

The culprit was found to be a 27-year-old woman, known only by Wang, and she is currently under criminal detention.

It hasn’t been disclosed if any action will be taken against her parents.

Remember what I said earlier about Wang’s experience? Turns out that that last year she had been given a suspended jail sentence for fraud.

Less impressed now, since she obviously didn’t learn her lesson.

But the biggest jokes are the most ironic ones, as Wang had been planning to take an exam that would allow her to become a luxury product appraiser.


Guess the police’s appraisal was that she deserved to get detained.

Good luck with attempting to take the exam, Wang, or not going to jail for that matter.

Should’ve quit it after the first time you did it.