Chinese Tourists Throw Rubbish on Floor to Reduce Luggage Weight, Peppered Airport with Waste

A Korean International Airport in Jeju had the misfortune of hosting a group of Chinese tourists which left the site looking like a rubbish ground. 

According to an article by World Of Buzz, these tourists left plastic bags that were from the purchase of their duty-free goods on the floor before checking in. Once the tourists received their purchases, they started emptying the plastic bags which were then thrown on the floor right there and then – so as to reduce the size and weight of their purchases before boarding their flight. 


Once the tourists received their purchases, they started emptying the plastic bags which were then thrown on the floor right there and then – so as to reduce the size and weight of their purchases before boarding their flight. 

Even though there were rubbish bins provided at the duty-free stores, the tourists from mainland China refused to use them, and all advice fell on deaf ears. 

Our hearts really go out to the cleaners on duty then, who had to spend extra effort clearing up the mess thanks to their irresponsible actions. In order to combat this littering problem that has been often brought about by the Chinese, the Korea Airports Corporation had already taken the liberty to engage more cleaners on duty – but to no avail.

Thank God they didn’t do that in Singapore, because if they did, Singaporeans will not be taking it so well – I mean, why should we?

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.comÂ