PSA: You’d be Fined If You Don’t Clear Your Trays in Coffeeshops from Tomorrow (1 Jan) Onwards

Here’s a word of warning: Your S$3.50 mee pok might turn into a S$303.50 meal if you’re not careful.

Tomorrow’s 1 Jan 2022, which means…

Office cat: COUNTDOWN PARTY…virtually~

Yes, that; but it’s also the day the rule of clearing your own plates after meals at food courts and coffee shops kicks in.

PSA: You’d be Fined If You Don’t Clear Your Trays in Coffeeshops from Tomorrow (1 Jan) Onwards

In an effort to combat COVID-19, diners are required to return their own trays and dirty dishes after having their meals.

It started from hawker centres and according to Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Amy Khor, no fines were imposed since the rule was enforced at hawker centres from 1 Sep 2021.

As for whether that trend might continue with food courts and coffee shops, it’s a likely possibility.

According to The Straits Times, they’ve visited 10 coffee shops and three food courts and witnessed a majority of diners who cleared their tables.

This doesn’t mean, however, that everyone is doing it.

According to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), more than 7,000 diners were reminded to clear their own trays after dining during the November advisory period.

There are also some who refuses to comply even after being given a reminder, according to a cleaner at the food court.

“I will remind them about the potential fine (from Jan 1) but they won’t listen and some even scold me. Even though there’s a reminder pasted on the table, it’s no use.

“There’s not enough manpower here to clear the tables fast enough for the next customer.”

What Happens If You Forget To Clear Your Trays

Now, let’s say you truly forgot to clear your tray after having your meal, and you’re unfortunately caught by a zealous ambassador.

What happens?

Well, if you did it the first time, you’ll only be given a written warning.

But if you repeat the offence? They’ll hit you where it hurts the most: your wallet.

Second-time offenders will be given a composition fine of S$300; and if you haven’t learnt your lesson and get caught, you’ll be given a court fine of up to S$2,000.

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Don’t Worry, You’re Not Taking Away The Jobs of Cleaners

Now, there’s a crowd of people in Singapore who are against clearing their own trays; after all, they’re kind people who want to be sure they’re not depriving anyone of a job.

If you happen to belong to this group, do not worry because cleaners are still needed.

Other than clearing away your trays, they also have to clean the table and help to wash the dishes.

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Feature Image: avery ng kien huei /