MINDEF Will be Disciplining SAF Commander Who Talked to Recruits in Public With Mask Down

As any man above the age of 18 will tell you, being a recruit can sometimes be an unpleasant experience.

You’re shouted at for being late, early, too loud, too quiet, as well as for eating, breathing, and sometimes sleeping.

If we do something wrong, you can bet your 15 boxes of face masks that we’ll be punished for it.

Fortunately, since no one is above the law here, if a commander breaks the law, he will be punished as well.

SAF Commander Caught Talking to Recruits in Public With Mask Down

It all started with a video on the Facebook group Complaint Singapore. 

Posted on Monday (26 July), it showed a man talking to a group of recruits outside Pasir Ris MRT station.

If you look closely, you’d noticed that the man has his mask pulled down.

According to the person who shared the video, he was waiting for a friend at around 11:40am that morning when he spotted the bare-faced man talking to the recruits.

“He spent about half an hour taking without mask on. I know cos that’s how long I was being stood up by my friend,” the poster wrote.

Okay, that kind of tardiness deserves some shouting.

The man did have a drink in hand, but didn’t take a sip at any point in the video, and was talking for an extended period of time without his mask on.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

Oh, but it gets worse.

When the passerby reminded one of the man’s colleagues that the instructor’s mask was down, he reportedly overheard and shouted “Who are you!?” to the passer-by.

“He said if you are not happy, i wear and show you,” the passer-by wrote. The man then allegedly used expletives on the passerby as he left.

“Really a disgrace to the soldiers he is training,” the man said.

The post also showed pictures of the man smoking near the road.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

Man Was SAF Commander; Will Be Disciplined By SAF

It turns out that the man in question is a commander from the Singapore Armed Forces.

A day after the video was shared, the Ministry of Defence issued a statement, saying that they have investigated the incident, and that disciplinary action will be taken against the commander.

“The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has completed investigations of the SAF commander who did not comply with Safe Management Measures (SMMs) while addressing BMT recruits near Pasir Ris MRT station on 26 July,” the statement read.

“The commander was found to have breached SMMs and will be disciplinarily dealt with.”

“SMMs are critical to ensure the safe conduct of the SAF’s training and operations, and our commanders are expected to set a positive example as well as enforce those rules to protect themselves and their trainees,” it added.

Remember, no one is above the law.

To know more about serving as a soldier for your NS, watch this video to the end:

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Featured Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)