Woman Made Cute IG-Worthy Cardboard Houses for Community Cats

Last Updated on 2023-05-05 , 10:46 pm

Cats are a common sight in our neighbourhoods, alongside birds like pigeons, which can sometimes be an annoyance.

These fur babies, however, are unlike that and are endearing to observe most of the time. Many of them are strays and are scattered across our communities.

While they may not have secure, loving homes to take shelter in, they have a caring community that meets their needs.

This lady, in particular, has garnered attention for the adorable things she has done for her community cats.

Cats Now Have Their Own Homes

A woman who goes by Janet CashCash Chin uploaded several photos on Facebook of cardboard houses she made for cats residing in her flat’s void deck.

In the group Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats, she posted updates about the community cats with photos of the cats in the houses.

It turns out that she not only provided these cats with proper shelter but also with jobs.

Perhaps you could head over and order a Zinger burger from this cat-operated KFC, but bear in mind that you may not get your food and will only receive a “meow” in return.

Image: Facebook (Janet CashCash Chin)

The cat peeping through the small window makes this all the more adorable.

Image: Facebook (Janet CashCash Chin)

Thirsty? You could head over to Catbucks, but you will likely only be served water (Fun fact: most cats are lactose intolerant and react similarly to humans if they consume lactose products).

Image: Facebook (Janet CashCash Chin)

This Miaodonalds is not a drive-thru, but you can stop outside the shop for the cat to take orders. Unfortunately, cats cannot handle your favourite McSpicy, so you may have to settle for cat food.

Overall, these cardboard houses look very realistic and cute. The golden arches of the “M” perched on top of the Miaodonalds and the characteristic Starbucks roof of Catbucks Coffee are spot on.

We applaud this lady for her efforts in making her community cats feel at home, and it seems like they love it.

Cat owners, this could be a great idea if you want to do something creative for your fluffy friends.

Wholesome Reactions

The default thoughts we have when we see posts of animals (unless it’s news of snakes randomly appearing in toilet bowls) are that they’re super cute.

And this post was received with precisely that. Netizens commented about how adorable this initiative was with heart-shaped emojis.

Image: Facebook

As mentioned, these cats are now employed, so there would be netizens pre-ordering their food in the comments.

Image: Facebook

Some also said this was a clever way of allowing the cats to get food.

More About Community Cats

We frequently see cats roaming areas around our homes, but we usually don’t give much thought to them.

Cat lovers like Janet CashCash Chin maintain the well-being of these cats and ensure they are nourished and safe.

Cats of SG is a website to raise awareness about stray cats and their vulnerability. To date, there are over 50,000 stray cats islandwide.

Community cats live in public areas and usually stay within a fixed neighbourhood that they have been accustomed to.

To identify one, you can check if its left ear has been tipped. This shows that the cat has been sterilised.

Sterilisation programmes for stray cats were first introduced in 1998 to control the population of these cats but were discontinued in 2003 as they were deemed ineffective.

Then, the nation took to culling, or killing, these cats by putting them down, but this method was criticised as unethical.

Sterilisation programmes were successfully relaunched by the Cat Welfare Society (CWS) in 2014 with the aid of donations and veterinary stakeholders.

They utilise the Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage (TNRM) programme to sterilise these cats and keep their population under control.

Fortunately, since 2015, the number of cats culled each year has dropped below 1,000. In 2020, over 4,000 cats were sterilised by CWS.