Netizens Triggered That Town Council Allegedly Removed Community Cat’s Makeshift Bed

Community cats are not uncommon in Singapore. Once in a while, you’ll spot them snacking away at random treats given to them by some kind souls while waiting for real food from their regular feeder.

Some lucky cats even have a makeshift “home”, made by their feeders.

Unfortunately, for one neighbourhood cat in Hougang, their home had to be removed by the town council.

Town Council Allegedly Removed Community Cat’s Makeshift Bed

The saga began when a notice by the Aljunied Hougang Town Council was put up on 6 January last year.

Image: TikTok (raysonallen)

Apparently, a few of their officers noticed some items placed on top of a public seating under a void deck during one of their routine inspections.

The items were actually part of the home for their community cat which included cardboard, a few stuffed animals, and what seems to be a bowl—most likely to place cat food in.

The notice was placed to inform the owner to remove the items within seven days or contact the council if they wished to resolve the matter in another way.

But bro…if the owner is a cat, how can they respond besides “meow”?

Unfortunately, the (human) owner probably did not respond as the items were removed and a month later, the cat, which uses it as its home, can be seen laying on the hard public seats.

Image: TikTok (raysonallen)

This was how the cat and its home looked like before:

Image: TikTok (raysonallen)

It even had a poster informing the public not to remove the boxes and towels.

A TikTok video that was made from this by a user named raysonallen and garnered a lot of varying reactions from netizens.


our neighbourhood cat just lost its home 😭 #tiktoksg #fyp #cat #stray #hdb

♬ Lonely – Justin Bieber & benny blanco

While this might have happened last year (for all you know, the cat is now living in someone’s else and even has a “condo”), their story only went viral due to the recent TikTok

Some felt pity for the poor community cat.

Image: TikTok (raysonallen)

While others thought the placement of the cat’s “home” could’ve been better as it was technically blocking a seating place for residents (wait, isn’t a cat also a resident?).

Image: TikTok (raysonallen)
Image: TikTok (raysonallen)

If you feel like adopting a cat but you don’t know how, you can check out Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) or you could adopt a stray (yes, that’s legal).

After that, you can get them a condo…and yes, cat does sleep in a condo, because this is really called a condo:

Image: Shopee

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Featured Image: TikTok (raysonallen)