Company Fined For Treating Workers Like Animals: 6 Topics S’poreans Talked About Today (30 May)


There’s a lot we have to be thankful to our foreign workers for.

We’re thankful that they build our schools, shopping malls and houses. Thankful that despite not being treated very well here, they’re still willing to lend a helping hand.

And Singaporeans are no longer as xenophobic as in the past.

But despite all these, there are still bad companies out there that treat these workers like animals.

Like this one.

Construction Company Fined For Treating Workers Like Animals


On 24 May, Keong Hong Construction was fined $352,000 and barred from employing foreign workers by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Because they housed their foreign workers in “overcrowded, filthy and unsafe conditions”.

Operating a temporary construction site temporary quarters at Sembawang Crescent, MOM discovered that 207 workers stayed there.

By the way, the site was only approved for 182 people.

There were only 31 rooms and one communal bath for the 207 workers to share.


The walls of the residence were made with plywood and zinc, which doesn’t meet fire safety standards.


And the rooms were full of fire hazards as well.

In addition, the construction company was also found guilty of abetting 17 other companies to keep their workers in the same living quarters.

MOM says they’ll take stern action against offenders who do not take adequate care of their employees.

Know companies like that? You can inform MOM confidentially via +65 6438 5122 or email [email protected].

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If you’re a NSman, you most likely hate RT or IPPT. If you’re not, you might have heard of how much NSmen hate RT or IPPT.


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Multi-Car Accident at Sentosa, Lamborghini Shown Flipped Over

Enthusiastic sports car lovers would cry at this scene: a yellow sports Lamborghini photographed upside down after an accident.


On 29 May, it was reported that there was a multi-car accident along Allanbrooke Road towards Cove Avenue in Sentosa.

The 22-year-old driver of the Lamborghini, his 21-year-old male passenger and a 38-year-old driver of a Toyota Estima were sent to the hospital conscious.


A green Mini Cooper, shown online, was also believed to be involved in the accident.

Police investigations are still ongoing, and it wasn’t known how the accident happened.

4 Arrested at Far East Plaza For Selling Fake Branded Stuff

Thinking of earning a quick buck by buying fake stuff online and selling them in Singapore? Make sure they don’t carry brands like Adidas, Nike or other well-known brands.


It was reported that 4 sellers in Far East Plaza were arrested for selling fake branded goods.

They were aged between 25 and 40 years old.

Arrested on 27 May, the three men and one woman could be fined up to $100,000, jailed up to 5 years, or both if found guilty.


About  $77,000 worth of fake stuff was confiscated by the police. Including shoes, bags and clothes.

The investigation against the four individuals is currently ongoing.

Grab to Start Charging Hitch Drivers 10% Commission Per Trip

From 1 Jun onwards, Grab will start taking 10% commission from Hitch drivers.


Previously, Hitch drivers get to keep the full fare of their trip.

Grab says that with the 10% commission, the company is able to fund operating expenses and provide even better value to drivers.


They’ll be able to match passengers and drivers better, reduce the number of last-minute cancellations and no-show.

The amount will be deducted from the drivers’ GrabPay wallet. Should a driver’s wallet be in the negative, he or she will be given limited access to ride requests. Unless they managed to make it positive again by completing more rides.

The company will not take any commission from the driver’s bonuses or incentives.

The only question is, will drivers be making a loss with the commission?

After all, carpooling services, by law, shouldn’t be able to make drivers money.

Fares are typically pegged at a rate which does not exceed the amount spent on ferrying the passenger. Like ERP tolls and petrol costs.

Lesson to learn? Nothing is free (forever).

More S’poreans Diagnosed With Intestinal Condition That Increases Risk of Colon Cancer

Do you experience diarrhoea, fever, pain and cramps in your abdominal, bloody stools, reduced appetite and unintended weight loss?


If you do, you might have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Singapore General Hospital (SGH) had close to 600 patients diagnosed with the disease in 2017, double the number of patients in 2007.

National University Hospital (NUH) had almost 400 cases this year, eight times the number of 2013.

Most common among people between twenty and forty years old, it’s a combination of two conditions.

One is Crohn’s disease, which affects any part from the mouth to the large intestine and ulcerative colitis, which affects the large intestine.

If you suffer from IBD in the long run, you’ll have a higher risk of getting colon cancer.

Not much is known about what caused the rise of this disease in Asia when it used to be a western disease.

There is no cure for the condition. However, doctors will put patients on medication to control the condition and allow them to lead comparatively normal lives.

Raj’s Banana Leaf Eatery in Kuala Lumpur in Hot Soup After Filmed Washing Plates in Dirty Water

If you’re a frequent visitor to Kuala Lumpur and love eating at street food stalls, here’s one that might scare you off for good.

A Malaysian eatery was forced to close its doors after its workers were filmed washing dirty plates in equally dirty water.

They were using water in a pothole behind the premises to wash the dishes.

If the Kuala Lumpur City Council’s health inspectors are not happy with the restaurant’s hygiene practices after visiting them today (30 May), the eatery might be closed down.

The business, meanwhile, has offered an apology on Facebook.

They claimed that the washing was done by newly employed workers, and they hope to be given a chance to improve and serve customers again.

Image: Facebook (Raj’s Banana Leaf)

Plus, the business is also offering a free dinner to customers on 31 May 2018 in hopes of retaining their customers.

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