Couple Gave Out 2,200kg of Durians & 700kg of Mangosteens for Their Wedding Anniversary

To the married couples out there, I pose this question:

What do you normally do on anniversaries?

“Candlelit dinner for sure. It’s so romantic,” said Mr Ti Ko Pek, 29, a man who’s married to his right hand.

Jin Ngiao Eh, 31, an Accountancy major who got involved with her boss’ wife, did not hesitate. “Breadstreet Kitchen. Hands down.”

“Handicapped toilet,” said Siao Ding Dong, 27, a man who’s happily married to an 18-year-old girl. “Preferably Ngee Ann Poly. Then got feels.”

Hmm… pretty normal, I will give them that. But, check this out. So apparently, a couple decided to celebrate their second wedding anniversary in particularly unique fashion…

By giving away 2,200 kg of durian and 700kg of mangosteens over the space of two days.

“Damn, that must have been one smelly anniversary affair,” Siao Ding Dong commented.

No doubt.

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A Very Durian-y Anniversary

Mr Melvin Ha and wife Ms Wei Zhixin, the co-owners of Melvin’s Durian (a stall outside Prime Supermarket at 1 Upper Aljunied Lane), decided to celebrate their second wedding anniversary with a giveaway.

A durian giveaway, to be specific.

Over the span of two days, the couple actually gave away a whopping 2,200kg of durian, as well as 700kg of mangosteens.

“We came up with the idea because we wanted a way to offload the durians quickly so we could go have a nice anniversary dinner,” Mr Ha told The New Paper.

“This is also a way of thanking our loyal customers.”

Incidentally, the whole giveaway cost the couple upward of $25,000, with the mangosteens weighing in at a market rate of $2 a kg.

Overwhelming Response

It’s common knowledge that Singaporeans go gaga over anything free.

And durians are obviously not exempt from this uniquely Singlish trait.

Indeed, Mr Ha brought in two extra lorries of durians for the occasion, and ‘support’ was so overwhelming that four friends had to come help out at the stall, bringing the total number of people manning the stall to 10.

“The support has been immense. We gave out 700kg on Wednesday within 90 minutes of our 5pm start time.

“I had to bring out another 300kg or so for the evening crowd at 7pm.”

And on the second day (2 August), the couple gave out another 1,200 kg of durians within 11/2 hours. Each customer was entitled to two of the “five fingers” type of durian, which routinely goes for $12 per kg.

But it seems that their efforts were not for naught, as the first person in line to receive the durians, retiree Mr Liao, 65, had nothing but praise for the couple.

“This young couple constantly innovate. Their durian variety is also good quality. That’s why I support them.”

Well said, Mr Liao. You might love durians, but you’ve got my vote for President. 🙂


I might be no durian lover, but even I can recognise the couple’s efforts to really give back to their loyal customers. And really, there’s nothing better than a heartwarming story like this, to get your dreary week all kickstarted.

So to all married couples out there, this is definitely an idea you might want to contemplate. After all, as a wise old man once said:

Spread the love, people, because it makes the world a better place. Also, call me there when you’re spreading the love, because I need some. Desperately.

Heed the wise old man, people. He’s never wrong.

I think.

Image: Gfycat

(P.S. The girl behind isn’t PSY’s wife, and they’re not standing on durians barefoot)

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