COVID-19 Updates Singapore (27 Feb): 3 New Cases & 1 is a RI Student

Today, there are three new COVID-19 confirmed cases, and one of them is a secondary school student.

Now, before any of you student think that schools have finally closed, hold your horses and go to sleep early today: only Raffles Institution will be closed, and the shutters will only be down for a day tomorrow (28 February 2020).

The closure is not due to a community spread but for a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the school premises, and it’ll reopen on 2 March 2020.

It’s the same for a language centre in Bishan.

Here are the details for today’s cases.

3 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (27 Feb)

The first patient is a 64-year-old woman who visited a GP on 17 February and 20 February. Eventually, she was referred to Singapore General Hospital on her third visit to the same GP on 24 February 2020, and was tested positive this morning. The source of her infection is still unknown.

The second patient is a 44-year-old man who is linked to Case 93, a patient that was announced yesterday. He was tested positive this morning and is now isolated in NCID.

And finally, to the last patient: a 12-year-old Singaporean student at Raffles Institution. He is linked to case 94 (a family member), a patient that was announced yesterday.

The student is a Year 1 Student in RI and has been unwell since 21 February 2020, and hasn’t been to the school since then.

He is also a student MOE Language Centre (Bishan), and was last in the centre on 20 February 2020—one day before he was unwell.

However, as a precautionary measure, both schools will be suspended for one day (28 February 2020).

More measures are also made in RI, including

  • Issuance of a 14-day Leave of Absence (LOA) for students, teachers and staff who had recently come into contact with the student. Contact tracing is on-going
  • Suspension of CCAs for Year 1 to 6 in RI for two weeks

This is on top of the earlier precautionary measures that MOE had announced for the entire school system.

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For the MOE Language Centre (Bishan), students, teachers and staff of the centre who were in close contact with the student will be issued a 14-day LOA.

Updates on Confirmed Cases

All in all, there are now 96 confirmed cases in Singapore.

Out of the 96 cases, 66 of them have been discharged and recovered, while 8 of them are now in ICU—an increase from yesterday’s 7.

The conditions of the remaining patients are stable or improving.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the’s WhatsApp service here.