Customer Tipped Food Delivery Rider $5 Even When The Food Has Spilled Out

There’s one thing we can all practice that will instantly make the world a better place.


A simple act of kindness can go a long way to making someone else’s day.

For instance, if your food delivery rider comes along with your food and you find that some of its contents have spilled out, what would you do?

Many would spontaneously combust in rage, or suddenly develop a strong empathy for murderers.

We paid good money for this food, and it should be delivered to us in the right manner. 

However, instead of scolding your delivery rider, there’s another, nicer way to react: give him a tip instead. 

Customer Tipped Food Delivery Rider $5 Even When The Food Has Spilled Out

A food delivery rider has taken to Facebook to share a wholesome tale of an interaction with a kind customer.

The man detailed the incident in a post in the GrabFood Delivery Rider Singapore Facebook group on Wednesday (11 Nov).

Image: Facebook via MS News

The rider said he delivers food by bicycle and is always careful with his deliveries.

However, on one of his recent trips, the man realised that some soup had spilled out of its container while he was riding.

This dampened the paper bag, which was already heavy with other items.

So, when the man took the bag out of his delivery box to give it to the customer, the food immediately fell to the ground.

This is every food delivery rider’s nightmare. 

At this point, the rider must have been fearing the worst, given how many riders have faced unreasonable customers over the years.

The ruined delivery wasn’t the riders fault, but most customers would blame the rider and take their anger out on them anyway.

That’s why the rider immediately apologised and offered to return to the stall to get her another order.

But she declined his offer, saying she understands how difficult being a food delivery rider is.

“It really doesn’t matter, and you don’t need to feel guilty or blame yourself,” she reportedly said.

Not just that, after leaving the customer, feeling guilty, the rider realised she even gave him a $5 tip for his efforts. 

Image: Facebook via MS News

The rider thanked the woman for being so understanding and generous.

“She is really nice, kind, and considerate… Thank you and truly appreciate it,” he said.

“Be Nice to Everyone”

The man ended his post encouraging everyone to be kinder to each other.

As this woman has shown a little kindness can go a long way.

Most of us would have gotten upset with that food delivery rider, even though it wasn’t his fault.

We could all certainly learn a thing or two from this kind-hearted customer.

Featured Image: Facebook via MS News