Cyclist Reportedly Threatened To Kill Elderly Driver, Claiming that He Was A British Army Officer But It’s As One-Sided As an Egg Prata

Recently, Facebook has become a platform for dramas.

Not your usual Korean or Taiwanese drama, but your Singapore’s drama.

Sometimes even better than Channel 8’s 9 pm show.

Image: Giphy

Just like the recent Facebook video that went viral over the weekends.

Cyclist Slammed Onto The Car To Show Unhappiness

Image: Facebook (Leon Lim Yu Zhi)

Yes, cyclist slamming vehicles – again.

Last Saturday (7 September 2019), Facebook User, Leon Lim Yu Zhi, uploaded a video stating that a British cyclist, who claimed to be an army officer, threatened to kill his father after he nearly knocked into him.

According to Lim, the cyclist was “riding real fast” with his bicycle, while Lim’s dad was pulling out slowly from a side road.

The cyclist was supposed to have “ample time to slow down”, but instead, he tried to slip through the space between the car and the kerb.

Then here comes the trigger: The British man slammed on the moving car and tried to cycle away after squeezing through the space.

An Escalated Situation

Lim then wound down the car’s window to stop the cyclist, which is when the cyclist threw his bicycle on the grass patch and challenged Lim to a fight.

That is also exactly the moment when he said “You don’t know who I am, do you? I’m a British army officer and I will kill you.”

Image: Giphy

I believed that is when Lim decided to start filming the video, which you can watch here:

Inaudible Video

If you have watched the video, you would have seen Lim starting the video by saying “Let’s make you famous.”

Is this a catchphrase whenever you want to post a drama online?

He then proceeds to ask the cyclist “You claimed that you’re a British army officer, so what’s your name?”

And the next thing I heard was Lim saying “He claims that he’s a British army officer and he wants to kill my dad.”

Image: Giphy

However, the cyclist can also be heard defending himself saying that he was just trying to let Lim and his dad know that he couldn’t stop his bike in time which is why he “hit” the car.

He then apologized to Lim, however, Lim continued to criticize him for threatening a 65-year-old man.

He ended the video by saying “This (referring to the video) is going everywhere.”

Oh, well. Watch it yourself and draw your own conclusion.

One-sided Story

After the video had gone viral, many netizens had asked Lim to post proof of the cyclist slamming into his dad’s car.

To which, Lim had stated that his dad’s dashboard cam was not working, hence there is no proof to be posted.

However, Lim had also said that his dad suffered from a tendon tear after the incident which was a result of the shove by the cyclist.

Image: Facebook (Leon Lim Yu Zhi)

According to Lim, his father had used the word “friend” because he’s “nice”.

He recently updated the post on 10 September claiming that a police report has been made and that unconstructive comments will be deleted.

Whatever it is, like what many netizens have pointed, this is a one-sided story and there is no proof to show what caused the argument.

With the police report being made, let the police do the job, and we shall keep our comments to ourselves.

However, I wish Lim’s dad a speedy recovery.

And to everyone out there, please keep your calm unless you want your face to be uploaded online.