Deliveroo Rider “Intimidated” Customer Who Had to Run Out of Shower for the Food


Food delivery was a growing scene in Singapore even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The contagious pandemic just enhanced our need for contactless delivery. What’s not to like about receiving something you bought without human interaction?

The Japanese have been doing this for a long time (Ichiran ramen, we’re looking at you).

In any case, it appears that contactless delivery may be reducing its impact on the food delivery scene, at least in part for some delivery apps.

One woman was forced to give her order number to a food delivery rider while partially undressed.

Here is what happened.

Woman Complains About Deliveroo Driver “Intimidating” Her

On Friday (21 July 2023), a Facebook user with the moniker Seraphim Lim posted an “emotional” complaint on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE page.

She detailed her poor experience with ordering food from Deliveroo.

And no, it’s not about the food being thrown around or not arriving.

According to the OP (original poster), she had left instructions for the delivery driver to make a contactless delivery by leaving the food “on the shoe rack shelf”.

She had planned to shower while the food was prepared and delivered, so she anticipated that she would be unavailable to answer the door.

However, mid-shower, the woman heard a man calling “Hello! Hello!!” very loudly at her front gate. She said that he “did not seem to be leaving”.

Concerned that her neighbours would be affected by the commotion, she “hurriedly wrapped a large bath towel around [her] wet body” and went to answer the door.

When she answered the door, the delivery driver asked her to give him her order number, or he would not be able to pass her food to her and would leave with her food.

The OP had no choice but to “awkwardly” walk to her living room, where her laptop was located and find the order number.

She stated that she felt “intimidated” and uncomfortable facing a male stranger wrapped only in a towel. She allegedly also told him to look away, but he did not do so.


The driver eventually left the food after receiving the order number, but the woman was left in distress and cried before she took the food from her door.

Deliveroo’s New Way of Verifying That Orders Were Delivered

While this seems to be an unreasonable encounter, there might have been some sense in the delivery rider’s insistence on getting the order number.

Deliveroo has introduced a new “customer confirmation code” feature (in 2021) which requires the customer to share a two-digit number with the rider.

The rider must key in that number to confirm that the food was delivered.

Deliveroo says that the Rider Support team can help confirm the order delivery if the customer refuses to provide the code.


Though we imagine that riders would prefer to get the code from the customers to avoid all that additional administrative hassle.