Denmark Allows Cross-Border Dating Couples to Meet If They’ve Been Together for at Least 6 Months

If you’re in a relationship, you’ll know just how painful it is during this circuit breaker period.

Meeting your partner twice a week was the norm, and now you can’t even meet your partner for three months.

And you wonder how did you survive, as you pick up the phone and call him/her for the fifth time today.

Can you imagine those in long-distance relationships? This is their norm.

But over in Denmark, they’re doing something about it.

Denmark Allows Cross-Border Dating Couples to Meet If They’ve Been Together for at Least 6 Months

On 14 May 2020 (Sunday), Denmark had closed its borders for non-citizens to curb the spread of the virus. Hence, only people with a clear purpose could enter the country.

Thenceforth, you can see elderly couples along the Danish-German border drinking coffee on each side of it. They would hold hands over the barriers just to stay in touch (literally) with each other.

Like this couple:

Image: NYT

However, from now on, gone will be such days of the past. Because there is a very good news for these star-crossed lovers.

On Monday (25 May 2020), Denmark made its move to ease border controls with other Nordic countries and Germany.

This means that they will be allowing cross-border couples separated by the coronavirus lockdown to meet again.

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Though there is one condition – They have to prove that they have been in a relationship for at least six months.

So if you and your bae have been together for only five months and 6 days, I regret to say that your relationship is not important enough to allow you to meet.

According to deputy chief Allan Dalager Clausen, couples would need to show shared text messages, private photos or personal information about their partner.

They can even bring along a photo or a love letter to prove that their relationship is real.

He acknowledged that these are very intimate things. However, it all depends on the judgement of the individual police officer to decide if the partner is allowed to meet.

After all, showing a private photo or a text message to a complete stranger is nothing compared to not being able to see your partner for months, right?


Lawmakers Displeased With New Guidelines

Well, wrong if you’re a lawmaker.

Lawmakers and authorities are highlighting some issues this guideline has.

There were some lawmakers who took to social media to express their displeasure. Most of them stated that it was a violation of the right of privacy.

Kristian Hegarrd from the Social-Liberal Party mentioned on Twitter that she has never heard of a country where the “entry requires the showing of intimate texts or photos from a partner”.

While Denmark has finally allowed couples to visit each other, they did not abolish the right of privacy. Well, I guess there is a give and take in every situation, especially in a relationship.

On the other hand, Denmark is also allowing summer cabin owners and grandparents of Danish citizens to visit Denmark as well.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a new set of guidelines for business travel in and out of Denmark too.

While here in Singapore, a boyfriend living in Yishun cannot meet his girlfriend who lives in Sembawang.